Created for Netflix by Ezio Abbate, Ivano Fachin, Giovanni Galassi, and Tommaso Matano, ‘Curon’ is an Italian horror thriller drama series that revolves around Anna (Valeria Bilello) who finally decides to go back to her hometown after seventeen years. However, this time she’s going along with her twin children named Mauro (Federico Russo) and Daria (Margherita Morchio). But shortly afterward, Anna was nowhere to be found, and her twin children must try to find out the whereabouts of their missing mother. The story is engaging with a blend of mystery that looks like it can go on for a few more seasons especially since it’s loosely based on a true tale. Although Netflix has not confirmed if Curon will be back for a second run.
The series is directed by Fabio Mollo and Lyda Patitucci. It stars Valeria Bilello, Luca Lionello, Federico Russo, Margherita Morchio, Anna Ferzetti amongst others. Upon its release, the series received positive reviews and fans seem to love this supernatural horror show and have been looking forward to the next season.
Here’s everything we know about Curon Season 2:
Curon Season 2 Release Date: When is it Coming?
u7 of Curon was released on June 10, 2020, in its totality of seven episodes on Netflix. As of now, there’s been no official word from the creators concerning a second season. Like many fans, if you’re also wondering about whether the series will be back with the next chapter, here’s the thing; Curon concludes on a reasonable note but for sure it leaves an opening to proceed with the story. Viewership and rating does play a significant role and therefore, it’s unto Netflix to decide whether to renew or cancel the series.
Nonetheless, the success of the first season gives us hope that there’s more to the story. If we have to predict an air date, new episodes will probably be ready to air by 2023.
The Cast & Characters of Curon Season 2
The official cast line is yet to be confirmed as the series is still awaiting its renewal. However, if season 2 is greenlit, the characters in the previous season are expected to reprise their roles. This includes–
- Valeria Bilello in the role of Anna
- Margherita Morchio will be seen playing Daria
- Federico Russo in the character of Mauro
Other characters who fans are expecting to see in the season also include–
- Anna Ferzetti in the character of Klara
- Juju Di Domenico plays the role of Micki
- Luca Castellano will return as Lukas
- Giulio Brizzi will be back as Giulio
- Max Malatesta in the role of Ober
- Alessandro Tedeschi will play the character of Albert
Curon Season 2 Plot Story
Following the demise of evil Albert and both doppelgangers of Anna, Ober feels that the time has come to amp up their transcendental project. The second season could also open up to new twists, and we could also expect some characters’ deaths. The ghosts that take the shape and form of a particular person and appear as doppelgangers will create more confusion and stir the plot more in season two.
Season 1 of Curon is available for streaming on Netflix.
Is Curon season 2 happening in 2023-24?
As of this writing, neither the cast nor crew have announced Curon Season 2 renewal.
On June 10, 2020, Netflix premiered the Italian supernatural horror series about a family who returns to their ancestral home in Curon, a secluded village with a decades-old mystery. Valeria Bilello, Federico Russo, Margherita Morchio, and Luca Martinelli feature in the Ezio Abbate and Ivano Fachin-created series.
Curon was a Netflix commercial and critical triumph despite mixed reviews. The series was lauded for its tension, atmosphere, and acting. The series’ second season renewal is unknown; Netflix and the actors and crew have not commented.
Netflix may be waiting to see how the series does before ordering a second season. The series has just been published for a few months, therefore its popularity is unknown. What would happen in a second season of Curon remains unknown. The first season concluded with cliffhangers, thus a second season has lots of promise. Watch out for more updates!
Where to watch the series Curon?
You may watch the series Curon on Netflix!
Curon is a well-made show with a good cast and engaging premise, but its worth is subjective. It appeals to supernatural horror, Italian culture, and atmospheric mystery fans.
Curon has drawn praise from reviewers:
- The show’s dark, creepy mood suits supernatural horror.
- The story is thrilling and unpredictable.
- Valeria Bilello and Federico Russo shine.
- The show explores family, identity, and good and evil well.