Cheer Squad is a Netflix documentary series. It follows Navarro’s cheer squad’s journey to Daytona. The plot also comprises Navarro’s rivals in Trinity Valley Community College. They prepare to compete in the NCA Championships. The series tracks the several obstacles Navarro faced over the past two years.
The covid-19 pandemic forced them to abandon the 2020 championships. They pick up with an almost new team when schools finally reopened. Monica Aldama takes a break from her coaching duties. To compete on Dancing With the Stars. La’Darius Marshall unexpectedly quits after a feud; Jerry Harris’s arrest; and the general stress and fame that came with the runaway success of the first season. So far there are two seasons of the series Cheer Squad.
Here are all the updates about the third season of Cheer Squad, including the release date, cast, and other details.
Will there be a season 3 of Cheer Squad?
As of November 2022, Netflix has yet to renew Cheer Squad for season 3. The cheerleading docuseries came as a complete shock to the fans. News dropped just weeks later the new season aired that there’s a high possibility of season 3 being renewed.
According to the NCA, this year’s championships are still on track for April 6-10. This implies (as long as there are no delays or cancellations) Navarro and TVCC would be preparing to compete in the coming months. Let’s await more information from the makers. Until then, stay connected with us!
Cheer Squad season 3 release date
As aforesaid, the show hasn’t been officially greenlit yet. Hence, there’s no release date for now. If we were to anticipate, we expect the show to air by 2023 or later. Stay tuned for more updates!
Cheer Squad season three cast: Who could be featured in it?
The series portrayed several key members of Navarro and Trinity Valley. The makers are discussing the return of all of them for season 3.
Navarro’s Maddy Brum said she definitely would be back to cinch that win as did Gillian. While Cassadee Dunlap said she was ready to move on from the experience.
TVCC’s Jada Wooten also said she was ready to retire her cheerleading uniform, while her teammate DeVonte “Dee” Joseph was excited to head back on the mat.
As for Morgan Simianer, she wouldn’t be returning to Navarro.
“I left the team in 2020 when COVID hit,” Simianer said. “I had already graduated and went back to Navarro and was doing double school so that I could be a part of the [cheer] program. I had to open up new majors that I wasn’t passionate about and paying student loan after student loan. It didn’t make sense to go back to Navarro [after schools re-opened during the pandemic] just for cheer because at that point school wasn’t what I needed.”\
She continued, ” COVID gave me the opportunity to look at the bigger picture and realize I did everything I came to Navarro to do….I was very content because I exceeded my expectations and came out with all the memories and all the craziness of the show coming out. And I ended Navarro’s cheer on a good note.”
Season 3 Cheer Squad trailer: Is it out yet?
No. The series is yet to be renewed for season 3. Hence, there’s no trailer or teaser for now. For the time being, you may watch the previous season’s trailer down below.
Where to watch Cheer Squad?
You may watch the series Cheer Squad on Netflix. All the episodes are available to watch and stream on the same platform.
Is Cheer Squad season 4 happening?
Season 3 of the series is yet to be renewed. Hence, there are no updates about Cheer Squad season 4 at the moment.