Burn the Witch is a Japanese manga series penned and illustrated by Tite Kubo. Part 1 of the manga series consists of just four chapters which do not include the one-shot. The debut season of the anime film series adapted from part 1 of the manga was launched on October 2, 2020, and in theaters.
Upon release, the film achieved an outstanding rating of 7.12 for MAL. The film was divided into three episodes by Crunchyroll and made available for the dubbed version. After the release of the film, a manga miniseries was launched the same year.
Following the immense success of its three episodes debut film, fans crave more new episodes. But will the anime series be back for more? Let’s find out below:
Will there be a Season 2 of Burn The Witch?
There’s little information from the creators regarding the second season of Burn The Witch. Previously, it was revealed on its official Twitter handle that a second season of the Manga series was set to launch on September 14, 2021, which it did.
Needless to say, the reason why the chances of the series returning are high is that the manga series has already launched its season 2, and perhaps, it’s only a matter of time for the creators to announce the next installment.
Burn The Witch Season 2 Release Date
Currently, there is no official update concerning the air date for season 2 of Burn The Witch. However, we’re optimistic that the much-awaited sequel has received authorization.
Season 1 of Burn The Witch film was broadcasted on October 2, 2020. It was penned by Ryomura Chinatsu, and helmed by Tatsuro Kawano. The series follows two witches whose tale takes place in the Bleach universe. The film has a run time of roughly one hour.
When the film came out, many of the audience were filled with confusion concerning whether or not there’ll be another season for the anime film. But so far, the creators are tight-lipped although the chances for the anime series returning seem quite high.
As per the information given by the show makers, official declarations are expected to be made sometime in 2022. If this piece of information is accurate, fans would likely get to see the new season in Spring 2023.
The Cast of Burn The Witch Season 2
The characters expected to reprise their roles in season 2 are:
- Noel Niihashi will be voiced by Yuina Yamada (Japanese); Allegra Clark (English)
- Ninny Spangcole will be voiced by Asami Tano (Japanese); Olivia Hack (English)
- Balgo Parks will be voiced by Shimba Tsuchiya (Japanese); Griffin Burns (English)
- Osushi-chan will be voiced by Rie Hikisaka
- Billy Banx Jr. will be voiced by Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese); Xander Mobus (English)
- Macy Baljure will be voiced by Saori Hayami (Japanese); Brianna Knickerbocker (English)
- Wolfgang Slashhaut will be voiced by Mugihito (Japanese); Kyle Hebert (English)
- Sullivan Squire will be voiced by Haruka Shimizu(Japanese); Kira Buckland (English)
- Roy B. Dipper is voiced by Miou Tanaka(Japanese); Zeno Robinson (English)
Burn The Witch Season 2 Storyline
Because the first season ended on a cliffhanger, it’s most likely that season 2 will pick up from where it completed. As of now, there are no updates but according to speculations, the teasers for season 2 of Burn The Witch were in development but due to the creator’s busy schedule, it was put on halt.
Nonetheless, you can always read the manga series if you’re impatient to find out the next story. Also, it is expected that season 2 of the anime film will once again be split into three episodes.
Stay tuned for more updates!