Dubbed as the most prescient show on television, Borgen-a Danish polish drama became an unexpected hit after its initial run in 2012. The show focuses on the journey of Birgitte Nyborg’s rise to power as Danish’s first female Prime Minister. After its third installment launched back in 2013 and drew media headlines, the series went into a 7-year-hiatus until Netflix showed interest in reviving the show after nine years. Its fourth installment is a separate series in itself that sees Sidse Babett Knudsen as a solitary figure in her new role as a foreign minister. Though it is very early to tell whether fans will see more oF adam Price’s brilliance in another series, we are already looking ahead to a season five with a heart full of hopes. That said, here’s everything you must know about Borgen season five, its airing date, casting details, and more:
Borgen Season five’s renewal update and release date
There is no official word on Borgen’s season five. However, Netflix has ignited hopes in viewers globally for future episodes of the political drama. So, is there any possibility of getting a season five? It is very soon to answer this question considering that its much-awaited season four has just dropped in June of 2022. But Knudsen does not see the series progressing past its fourth installment. When questioned about a possible season five, the lead actor told, “Birgitte is gone.” Nonetheless, the series creator has been slightly optimistic about the show’s future development when he said, “Never Say Never, regarding a fifth part. Adam Price has surprisingly predicted many occurrences in Danish politics ahead of time. Since Adam waited nine years to tell the right story following the events of season three, it may not be a surprise if he returns with another impactable story.
Borgen Season four’s plotline and future storyline
Borgen season four focuses on the discovery of oil in Greenland that jeopardizes Birgitte’s newly formed political party and gives rise to disputes at the international level between Russia, China, the US, and Denmark. In the fourth part, Birgitt has not had to juggle between her work and personal life, so she could devote herself fully to her new role.
It is very difficult to fully anticipate the future plotline of the series at this point. So, we will leave that part for later or fans’ speculations.
Borgen Season five’s casting details
Borgen’s lead cast, Sidse Babett Knudsen returned to the series for a fourth season. Borgen’s success has landed her many roles in the tv and film indusry. Aside from her, the series also brings into the mix some fan-favourites with new faces including:
- Birgitte Hjort Sørensen as Katrine Fønsmark
- Søren Malling as Torben Friis
- Signe Egholm Olsen as Anne Sophie Lindenkrone
- Mikael Birkkjær as Philip Christensen
- Lisbeth Wulffas Pia Munk
- Lars Mikkelsen as Søren Ravn
- Laura Allen Müller Smith as Nadia Barazani
- Jens Albinus as Jon Berthelsen
- Lars Knutzon as Bent Sejrø
- Peter Mygind as Michael Laugesen
- Morten Kirkskov asNiels Erik Lund
- Gitte Siem Christensen as Kirsten Sejrø
- Angunnguaq Larsen as Jens Enok Berthelsen
- Freja Riemann as Laura Nyborg Christensen
- Kasper Lange as Dan Vestergaard
Currently, the cast roster of season five has not been revealed. And that leaves us wondering as to which of our favourites from the original series will make a comeback.
If you have binged it already, Borgen is available on Netflix for viewers all over the world.
Watch these 5 shows if you loved Borgen season five
Loved the borgen series and are looking for similar shows to watch? Here are a few recommendations:
- Euphoria (2019-present): Los Angeles high school students’ lives are depicted in Euphoria. Graphic depictions of teenage life and subjects including drug addiction, sex, and violence are hallmarks of the series.
- Atypical (2017–2021): An American comedy-drama about autistic teen Sam Gardner. The series explores family, friendship, and love while showing autism in a heartwarming and honest way.
- Sex Education (2019–present): A British comedy-drama about Otis Milburn, a kid who opens an underground sex treatment clinic at school. The series is noted for its honest discussions of sex, sexuality, identity, relationships, and self-acceptance.
- On My Block (2018): A Los Angeles Latino neighborhood-based coming-of-age comedy-drama about four teens. The series has a realistic representation of working-class life and explores friendship, family, and identity.
- Never Have I Ever (2020–present): A comedy-drama about Devi Vishwakumar, a first-generation Indian-American teen. Teen life is sympathetic and amusing in the series, which explores identity, family, and love.
These teen dramas handle social themes realistically and honestly like borgen Season 5. All have strong female protagonists and varied casts!
Is “Borgen” Worth watching?
Borgen is a well-made, thought-provoking drama worth viewing for many reasons. First, the cast excels, with Iben Akerlie, Herman Tømmeraas, and Lisa Teige reprising their roles as Vilde, Jonas, and Eva. They play characters with complexity and realism, making them relatable and fascinating. Second, the show accurately depicts adolescence. It handles difficult topics like bullying, mental health, and sexuality with care. Borgen addresses challenging topics in a fun and instructive way.
Third, the show addresses racism, sexism, and environmentalism. It tackles tough themes and makes viewers rethink the world. Borgen is a hilarious, thought-provoking, and instructive show. Fourth, the show has a varied cast, reflecting diversity, along with exploring the struggles and accomplishments of people from different backgrounds. Borgen is welcoming and concludes with an emotional journey as the characters overcome new hurdles and evolve. We highly recommend this TV series!
Borgen Season five’s trailer
Despite the fans’ excitement about the series’ revival, the showrunners are in no haste to give any spoilers to us. So, we have no trailer for Borgen season five as of now.
Watch this space for more updates on Borgen season five.
Bergen Season 5: Is it Happening?
(updated 29/9/2023)
As of April 2023, there has been no news concerning a fifth season of Borgen. It’s been a year since fans last witnessed the fourth season and at this point, it is uncertain if the series would be back for another season run. But given the popularity of the series, we’re positive the show would return. So for now, let’s continue waiting for more updates.