Apex Legends Season 9: Release date, Cast & Plot
Are you a partially ardent gamer? Then get ready to indulge in some gripping gaming experience with the upcoming launch of Apex legends seasons 9. Apex Legends is a free to play hero shooter battle royale game. The game had been developed by Respawn entertainment. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The popularity of the game was such that even a Nintendo Switch version was also planned. Recently the season 7 of the game was launched. Rumors for the release of season 9 has been doing rounds in the market for a while. Here is everything about the new launch.
Apex Legends Season 9: Release date
Ever since the release of season 8, speculations have been doing rounds in the market regarding the new season’s release. Season 8 of the game was released in mid of 2020. The official release date of the new game has not yet been released. Season 8 of the game introduced new challenges with several twists and turns. The fans of the game have to wait for a while till the official release date of the show is given.
Apex Legends Season 9: Cast
Season 8 introduced a new cast, Fuse, and season 7 introduced Loba, which excited the players. The season also introduced Rosie. The new characters had several advantages and features. In apex legends, there was a diverse cast of 15 characters. The character designs are based on Titanfal. The gameplay characters are Bloodhound, Gibraltar, lifeline, pathfinder, wraith, Bangalore, caustic, mirage, octane, Wattson, crypto, revenant, Loba, rampart, and horizon. Speculations are that in season 9, new characters would be included.
Apex Legends Season 9: Plot
Apex Legends is a multiplayer battle royale game. The game features squads of three players using pre-made characters. The series is similar to hero shooters. The game is free to play, and it can be monetized through microtransactions and loot boxes. The players can spend real money and in-game currency on purchasing cosmetic items. The previous seasons of the gameplay introduced new challenges. Each season introduced new characters, new weapons, and purchasable cosmetic items. Season 8 introduced the newest legends, Fuse, who was a psychopath. He joined the Apex games after planet Salvo. Even a new gun 30-30 repeater was introduced. King Canyon was also re-introduced into a map rotation. Speculations are that in apex legends season 9, following the trend, new characters would be introduced with new weapons.