The Fiery Priest is a South Korean comedy crime drama series written by Park Jae-bum and directed by Myoungwoo Lee. This drama was a massive success and achieved many notable acclaims and was also one of the highest-rated drama series in 2019. Kim Nam-Gil who is portrayed as Kim Hae-il, a priest who has anger issues won several awards for his acting skills.
Just a day after its finale the drama’s immense popularity continued to rise and fans were constantly looking up on the net for “The Fiery Priest Season 2” which trended online. The finale of the drama series viewership ratings achieved 18.6 % and 22.9 % nationwide. To this day, fans are still waiting for the arrival of the second of The Fiery Priest. Here’s what we know about it.
What is The Fiery Priest About?
The action comedy-drama is filled with silly humour and heartwarming personalities. The series also spotlighted parodies from many well-known films and dramas. The first season of The Fiery Priest is now available on Netflix.
“The Fiery Priest” resolves around Kim Hae-il a Catholic priest with extreme anger management problems and a gutless detective who teams up together to unravel a murder case.
The Fiery Priest 2 Release Date: When is it?
The showmakers released a statement right after the finale that said “We Will be Back.” It’s been quite a while since the talks for a second season took place and still now we haven’t got any official updates from the creators. Currently, the release date for The Fiery Priest Season is not even out yet. But we know that it’s definitely happening.
The production team revealed, “Because we received a heated response from the viewers and achieved good results, we want to do a second season. However, as there are many matters to consider, nothing is confirmed, and we’re currently in discussion.”
In an interview, Kim Nam-Gil said, “The crew were talking about Season 2 from about Episode 17 or 18. It wasn’t a drama that we made with seasons in mind. When we went on our reward vacation, the actors talked about it among ourselves and the response was positive. We said that we wanted to move forward without any of us leaving and without adding someone else to the cast.”
He resumed, “It’s true that I have a lot of concerns about what I can show and what we can bring to a second season. We didn’t really have a lot of expectations for the ratings in ‘The Fiery Priest,’ but it did well. I think Season 2 will be about properly telling the stories that we want to tell. We mentioned that we didn’t want to wait too long. But that’s not something that we can control…”
It might take another year or so to finally come up with season 2 which means that the new season will probably be released by the end of 2022 or sometime in 2023 at the earliest. However, let’s wait for further official details and the official release date.
The Upcoming Cast Members of The Fiery Priest Season 2
The main cast likely will return for a second season and reprise their roles including Kim Nam-Gil (as Kim Hae-il / Michael Kim),
Moon Woo-jin (as young Hae-il), Kim Sung-Kyun (as Goo Dae-young), Lee Hanee (as Park Kyung-sun), Go Jun (as Hwang Cheol-bum), and Keum Sae-rok (as Seo Seung-ah).
The Fiery Priest Season 2 Plot: What Can We Expect?
Plot details for the upcoming season are not known as the creators of this series have not revealed any field but the story will likely continue from where the first season ended. We can expect the new season to be more twisted and hopefully, the makers may shift on to a new storyline yet keeping the same theme.
The Fiery Priest Season 2: Will it be out by Fall 2022?
It’s too soon to speculate at this moment as not a single word has been heard from the makers except that another season is in the making. This could be also because the makers are deliberately not revealing anything on purpose as they possibly would want to keep it as a surprise to the fans who are anxiously waiting for the drama to return with season 2.
As per rumors, The Fiery Priest season 2 is much likely to be out by Fall 2023 but this may not be true as it hasn’t been confirmed yet.
The Fiery Priest Season 2 is Officially Confirmed!
The 2019 hit Korean drama is officially returning with a second season after four years of releasing the first season and fans across the world are overjoyed to learn the news.
SBS #TheFieryPriest reportedly will be back with its long-awaited Season 2 in 2023 after 4 years! 🥳
— kath (@kdramatreats) December 7, 2022
It is learned that the most awaited upcoming season of Fiery Priest will be out sometime in 2023 although an exact premiere date is yet to be revealed. Further details await! Stay tuned.
Has The Fiery Priest won any awards?
The accolades that The Fiery Priest has received are a testament to its quality and popularity among both viewers and industry professionals. In addition to the Baeksang Arts Awards and Korea Drama Awards, the drama has also been recognized at other prestigious award ceremonies, such as the Seoul International Drama Awards and the Asia Artist Awards. The talented cast and crew of The Fiery Priest have been praised for their exceptional performances, writing, directing, and production design. The drama’s success has also helped to solidify the reputation of Korean dramas as a cultural export with a global appeal, and has contributed to the growth of the K-drama industry.
We’ll keep this article updated over time with new information and mention the release date of The Fiery Priest Season 2. Till then, let’s wait patiently!