The Brokenwood Mysteries is a popular New Zealand TV crime drama series that was launched on Prime in 2014. The series stars Neill Rea, Fern Sutherland, Jarod Rawiri, Cristina Serban Ionda, Pana Hema Taylor, and Rawiri Jobe.
The series is conceived by Tim Balme who also serves as the head writer along with Philip Dalkin, James Griffin, and Greg McGee.
The series has so far launched a total of eight seasons with the ninth season set to launch soon. While many fans are excited about season 9, some are anxious that the upcoming season might perhaps be the last and that there won’t be a tenth season. However, there has been no such announcement about the ninth season being the final outing of the series and fans need not fret about the prospect of the show. In this post, we have compiled all the details that you need to know. So read till the end.
Is The Brokenwood Mysteries Renewed For Season 10?
As of now, the series has not been greenlit for a tenth season. Mainly because the crime drama series is gearing up to return with its ninth season which is scheduled to release around the second week of this April. It looks like fans need to be patient and wait for some time until further announcements are made concerning the renewal status of The Brokenwood Mysteries Season 10.
Nevertheless, based on the show’s popularity, we’re positive that the series will return at some point.
The Brokenwood Mysteries Season 10 Premiere Date
As mentioned earlier, Prime has yet to release official statements about the renewal status of the series. Therefore, there is no release date revealed for season ten of the crime drama series.
On the off chance the series gets renewed, fans can highly expect to see the new episodes in early or mid-2024 at the earliest.
The Cast of The Brokenwood Mysteries Season 10
The official cast line is not announced but the cast members expected to reprise the roles in season 10 of The Brokenwood Mysteries include–
- Neill Rea will play the role of Mike Shepherd
- Fern Sutherland in the character of Kristin Sims
- Nic Sampson will be back as D.C. Breen
- Cristina Serban Ionda in the role of Gina
- Elizabeth McRae will play her character as Mrs. Marlowe
- Pana Hema Taylor will portray his role as Jared Morehu
- Colin Moy in the role of Hughes
- Karl Willetts will portray Frodo
- Jason Hoyte will play Ray
- Phil Peleton in the role of Neil
- Shane Cortese will be back as Dennis
- Zara Cormack in the character of Kimberley
The Plot For Season 10 of The Brokenwood Mysteries
Unfortunately, plot details for the tenth season of The Brokenwood Mysteries have not been shared. It is also difficult to predict what might happen in season 10 since the series still has launched its ninth season. But once we see how the story plays out in season 9, we might be able to come up with our own theories. Well, for now, let’s wait for season 9 to release.
The Brokenwood Mysteries season 10 is officially renewed!
Acorn TV has officially renewed The Brokenwood Mysteries for its tenth edition!
The streaming platform Acorn said in March 2023 that Season 9’s six episodes would stream in North America starting on Monday, April 10. It will begin airing on NRK TV in Norway on April 21. Season 10 will begin filming in 2023, as South Pacific Pictures stated in April 2023.
The tenth season of the venerable murder mystery show The Brokenwood Mysteries is currently under production. The detective team you love from New Zealand is back in action – stay connected for updates!
The Brokenwood Mysteries season ten expected storyline
The Brokenwood Mysteries is a New Zealand television detective drama series that premiered on Prime in 2014, receiving positive reviews and ratings from audiences and critics alike.
Mike Shepherd, a detective inspector, is dispatched from Auckland to Brokenwood to look into a local police officer. Shepherd assumes control as a potential murder investigation that could connect the two is ongoing.
Shepherd reevaluates his life following the probe and chooses to continue working despite being demoted to Detective Senior Serjeant. Shepherd, who takes a unique approach to police work, works with local Detective Kristin Sims, who is meticulous and effective at her job, to investigate murders in Brokenwood, an apparently tranquil rural community.
The two’s working relationship becomes more functional as the series goes on as they learn to respect each other’s skills. The storyline for the tenth season will pick up right where the previous season left off – stay tuned for updates!
Is “The Brokenwood Mysteries” worth watching?
The Brokenwood Mysteries is an enjoyable detective series based in New Zealand that is frequently compared to Midsomer Murders, a similarly fine series that is set in Britain. However, Brokenwood is also distinctly located in New Zealand.
The Brokenwood Mysteries from New Zealand is a must-watch if murder mysteries are what you’re after. Watch as Det. Mike Shepherd and his colleagues investigate challenging and odd deaths in a tiny rural community.