The American drama television series The Black Hamptons premiered on BET+ on July 1, 2022. The Black Hamptons appear to be drama-filled. This epic story will depict a war between the Johnsons and “Brits,” in which the distinction between the old and the modern is clear. Here’s what we know about The Black Hamptons Season 2 Release Date.
The show revolves and centers around a family rivalry in the old-fashioned town of Sag Harbor on Long Island, New York, Starky, where it highlights the distinction between old and new money. Carl Weber made the show on the novel of the same name.
The new four-part family drama The Black Hamptons by Carl Weber is set in the quaint community of Sag Harbor, New York, also referred to as “The Black Hamptons,” on Long Island, New York. Carl Weber, a best-selling author in New York, created the original limited series.
The Brittons and the Johnsons, two of the Black Hamptos’ most influential families, were introduced to us in the first season, as we could see. A bitter conflict develops between the two families as they compete for the coveted Peterson property.
What is the series The Black Hamptons about?
Selling the Hamptons captures a remarkable 2021 real estate selling season characterized by record-breaking sales and hungry agents jockeying for top listings. Prime buying and selling season in the Hamptons kicks off with J.B.’s lavish open house event at an ultra-modern, all-glass property featuring VIP guests who sparkle in black-tie attire, a driveway flanked by high-end luxury cars, and fountains of champagne. Peggy will try to land her biggest listing ever – one of the most exclusive properties in the area, boasting a $35,000,000 price tag. Meanwhile, New York power broker and team lead, Bianca, will arrive on the scene to make sure that everyone on the team is leveling up their real estate game.
“We are a game-changing brokerage. We are innovative, fierce, and cutting-edge. It is our job to stand out in the Hamptons real estate scene where there are even more premier listings at stake and more money to be made than ever before,” said Bianca. “I represent our CEO and am the boots on the ground to make sure nothing falls short.”
“A lot of ideas for season 2,” Carl Weber told The Wrap: Latest Updates on The Black Hamptons Season 2 renewal!
The Black Hamptons Season 2 renewal has not been announced by the cast or crew at the time of this writing. However, several promising signals suggest the show may be renewed. The Black Hamptons was lauded for its varied ensemble, authentic portrayal of Black culture, and captivating plot. It also averaged over 1 million viewers per episode.
Besides, Carl Weber and his wife, Veronica “V” Weber, want to keep the show going. Carl Weber told The Wrap that he has “a lot of ideas” for a second season and is “eager” to tell more Black Hamptons stories. Given these encouraging comments, we can expect The Black Hamptons season two to air soon—however, at the moment, there isn’t any official information available. We shall update this space as and when we find anything; stay connected with us until then!
Will there be a season 2 of The Black Hamptons?
The writer, producer, and best-selling author was apparently referring to Martha’s Vineyard drama Our Kind of People, which was canceled in May after one season on Fox.
Weber went on to urge fans to keep watching his drama series.
“Now, the real question is, do you want it on BET or BET+ that honestly is up to you,” he continued. “If enough people watch tonight and the following 3 Wednesdays at 10 PM on regular BET, they will give to you. A lot of you said you don’t want to pay for what you should get it for free. So, tonight is your chance to step or shut up.”
What happened at the end of The Black Hamptons season 1? Ending explained.
The Brittons and Johnsons, two prominent families, compete for dominance of Sag Harbor, New York’s elite Black neighborhood in The Black Hamptons Season 1. Carolyn Britton (Vanessa Bell Calloway), a cruel grandmother, protects her family’s inheritance. Successful businessman Anthony Johnson (Lamman Rucker) leads the Johnsons in their Hamptons quest to start over.
Anthony Johnson buys the Peterson property, which the Brittons have wanted for years, causing conflict between the two families. Carolyn Britton is enraged that Anthony Johnson challenged her and tries all her resources to block him from buying the property. She wants to ruin his business and turn the neighborhood against him.
Anthony Johnson won’t allow Carolyn Britton win. He fights back with everything he has and works alongside his wife, Sydney (Elise Neal), and friends to attain his ambitions. The season features power battles, betrayals, and scandals between the Brittons and Johnsons. Their daily challenges include raising children, running businesses, and maintaining relationships. Anthony Johnson wins. Buying the Peterson property lets him establish his Hamptons fantasy life. However, the Brittons-Johnsons enmity continues.
The Black Hamptons Season 2: Is it Canceled?
Updated 10/4/2023
Series creator Carl Weber published an open note on Facebook on September 21, 2022, to clear up puzzlement encircling the prospect of the show.
“The show has not been canceled (don’t believe everything you read on the internet there are haters out there!!) it was a mini-series that was always intended to become a regular series for BET+,” Weber wrote. “However, after the disastrous ratings of another Black beach community show, the network did have some reservations, which I’m proud to say you folks blew away. BET+ has never had a show this popular.”
Is there a trailer yet?
Where to watch The Black Hamptons?
You may watch the series on BET+