The Big Flower Fight is an American TV reality competition show that debuted in 2020 as a Netflix Originals. The storyline of the series follows eight teams of florists, garden designers, and landscapers who fight among themselves to create the best floral display.
The series stars Kirsty Dawkins and James Alexander-Sinclair as the show’s judges – Adam Frost is the host. The overall idea behind the series launch was immensely loved and appreciated by the fans and critics. Season one of Big Flower Fight turned out to be a huge hit in terms of both ratings and viewership.
Apart from the storyline, the show’s makers promised to bring something creative, drama, and many surprises in the upcoming season. So don’t miss out – tune in now to see who will be crowned this year’s champion!
If you love the aggressive pleasantness of The Great British Baking Show but wished the contestants were making large-scale flower installations instead, I have good news for you: The Big Flower Fight is now on Netflix— Netflix (@netflix) May 23, 2020
Will there be Season 2 of The Big Flower Fight?
As of February 2023, Netflix is yet to renew the series for the second season of The Big Flower Fight. However, considering the success of the first season, it seems likely that the makers would surely consider renewing the show for its upcoming installment.
The Big Flower Fight Season 2 Release Date
As we read in the last section of our post, the makers have not confirmed the renewal of the second chapter of the series. Thus, Big Flower Fight Season 2 has yet to be officially announced. However, as per some valid sources, it has been informed that the series will be renewed by mid-2023.
Fans from around the globe eagerly await the second season’s news release.
The Big Flower Fight Season 2 Cast
* Kirsty Dawkins
* James Alexander-Sinclair
Contestants as per the roles
- Adam Frost – Host
- Kathryn Ferguson – Presenter
- Charlotte Moseley – Judge
- James Alexander-Sinclair – Judge
- Stephen Wren – Mentor
- Janine Pattison – Head Gardener
- Team A:
* David & Sarah – Gardeners
- Team B:
* Maria & Carl – Gardeners
- Team C:
* Jo & Dan – Gardeners
Expected Contestants
* Bex Band and Liz Collini
* Chris White and Tom Hart Dyke
* Claire and Richard Lee
* Gemma and David Armstrong
* Jenny and Steve McAllister
* Louise and Paul Smith
* Mark and Alex Woodrow
Where To Watch “The Big Flower Fight Season 2”?
The Big Flower Fight Season 2 will be available to watch on Netflix once it is released.
The series, as of now, has received positive reviews and responses among the audience and viewers. Also, it may be worth watching if you are a TV reality show lover who seeks something unique and creative.
The Big Flower Fight Season 2 Trailer
So far, no trailer regarding The Big Flower Fight Season 2 has been released from the production’s end.
However, a fan-made teaser has recently gotten viral on social media that you can watch.
For now, you may watch the trailer of last season.
Furthermore, we’ll keep you posted if anything comes out from Netflix. Stay tuned!