Created by Dennis Schanz, Skylines is a German drama series Skylines, which features Peri Baumeister, Murathan Muslu, Sahin Eryilmaz, and Edin Hasanovic. Hasanovic portrays Jinn, a German hip-hop producer who joins the record company Skyline Records only to learn later that it is a hub for organized crime and music.
Skylines, a Netflix original series that premiered on September 27, 2019, was canceled after just one season. Here’s everything you need to know about Skylines season 2, and why it got canceled!
Skylines season 2 has been canceled!
Dennis Schanz composed the musical series Skylines which aired on September 27, 2019, as a brand-new television series. The first season consists of six episodes (available to watch on Netflix!)
According to IMDb, Skylines was canceled after its first season launch and won’t return for season 2. Yes, the producers have formally confirmed the cancellation of Skylines season 2 for reasons unknown. The show may have received less of the reaction the producers had hoped for, so it was canceled.
The German news outlet Spiegel Online first reported the cancellation of Skylines, stating that “Netflix does not want a second season of Skylines.” One of the stars of Skyline, Edin Hasnovic, confirmed the news of cancellation in an Instagram post, which provided additional proof of its veracity.
If we find any potential updates on why Skylines season 2 got canceled, we shall let you know here. Please bookmark this page to not miss out on any updates from us!
Why did Netflix cancel Skylines?
Netflix has not yet provided a reason for canceling Skylines. Many subscribers are really disappointed by this, especially German paying customers who have had a very excellent experience with Skylines.
The lawsuit against the Original is most likely to blame for the cancellation of Skylines. The series’ recurring record label, Skyline Records, is also the name of an actual record label with a Frankfurt location.
The show’s basic premise is about a young, gifted hip-hop producer named Jinn, who receives the opportunity of a lifetime when he joins Skyline Records, the record company owned by rap icon Kalifa. Since his brother Ardan returned from exile, Kalifa has been under pressure to take his share. Policewoman Sara, who was once close to Kalifa, begins to look into Skyline Records as Ardan exploits the record company for his illegal activities and Jinn wants to establish himself there.
Skylines Season Two Expected Cast
If the second season of the series Skylines gets picked up by another streaming platform and airs for another season, we can expect the return of almost all the cast members, including:
- Edin Hasanovic as Jinn
- Murathan Muslu as Kalifa
- Peri Baumeister as Sara
- Anna Herrmann as Lily
- Sahin Eryilmaz as Semir
- Richy Müller as Raimund
- Erdal Yildiz as Ardan
- Lisa Maria Potthoff as Celine
- Slavko Popadic as Dejan
- Carol Schuler as Zilan
- Dustin Schanz as Manuel
- Zejhun Demirov as Pezo
- Carlo Ljubek as Miro
- Sascha Nathan as Hocki
- Kasem Hoxha as Thanas Kelmendi
Where to watch the series Skylines?
You can watch the last season’s episodes of the series Skylines on Netflix!
Is Skylines season 3 happening?
Nope, Skylines has officially been canceled after season 1!