Helmed by Alex Hardcastle and screenplay by Andrew Knauer, Arthur Pielli, and Brandon Scott Jones, “Senior Year” is an American comedy film that was released on May 13, 2022, by Netflix. The comedy film features Rebel Wilson, Sam Richardson, Zoë Chao, Mary Holland, Justin Hartley, Chris Parnell, Angourie Rice, Michael Cimino, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Jones, and Alicia Silverstone.
Discussing the film, the comedy actress Rebel Wilson in an interview talked about what made her get involved. She said, “I got given the script and it was in its earlier stages and I just thought – wow, the premise of a girl going into a coma in her senior year for 20 years and then waking up and trying to re-do her senior year 20 years later was a really fun thing to play with, especially considering how ‘woke’ and everything society is and how ‘fluid’ the kids are. There are so many differences between 2022 and 2002 culturally and in society and as a comic premise, that is going to be pretty good.”
Wilson also shared that “Senior Year” is the third film that she produced along with Todd Garner, Chris Bender, and Timothy M. Bourne. The previous two films she produced are “Isn’t It Romantic” and “The Hustle.”
Here’s what we know about a sequel to Senior Year.
Will There Be a Sequel to Senior Year?
Upon release, the film received negative reviews but the film gained popularity across the world and many fans are now demanding a sequel.
However, it’s unclear if Senior Year will return with a sequel since the filmmakers have not given any statement concerning the follow-up. But for now, it’s safe to assume that a sequel is expected.
As of July 2022, the film has entered Netflix’s Top 10 in several territories although it had a rocky start. Hopefully, we get an announcement soon.
Senior Year Sequel Release Date: When is it?
Senior Year debuted on May 13, 2022, and as previously mentioned, not a single word is heard from the filmmakers about a possible sequel. Nevertheless, it hasn’t been that long since the film was released and fans need to wait for a while for Netflix to decide on whether or not there’ll be a sequel to Senior Year.
If a sequel happens, fans can expect the movie to arrive in late 2022 or sometime in 2024.
The Cast Members of Senior Year Sequel
Because there is no concrete information on the possible sequel, an official cast line is not revealed. However, we expect the following characters to return if a sequel happens. They are:
- Rebel Wilson in the role of Stephanie “Steph” Conway
- Angourie Rice plays Young Stephanie Conway
- Sam Richardson in the role of Seth Novacelik
- Zaire Adams depicts Young Seth Novacelik
- Zoë Chao in the role of of Tiffany “Tiff” Blanchette-Balbo
- Ana Yi Puig portrays teen Tiffany Blanchette
- Mary Holland will return as Martha “Marth” Reiser
- Molly Brown will play Young Martha Reiser
- Justin Hartley in the character of Blaine Balbo
- Tyler Barnhardt plays Young Blaine Balbo
- Chris Parnell will be back as Jim Conway
- Lucy Taylor will reprise as Lydia Conway
- Michael Cimino will be seen as Lance Harrison
- Jeremy Ray Taylor will be playing Neil Chudd
- Brandon Scott Jones will return as Mr. T
- Alicia Silverstone will lay Deanna Russo
- Joshua Colley will be back as Yaz
- Jade Bender in the role of Britney Jean “Bri” Balbo
- Avantika Vandanapu will play Janet Singh
In addition, Merrick McCartha played Principal Young while Steve Aoki appeared as himself.
Senior Year Sequel Expected Plot
With no confirmation about a sequel, it’s not known what the sequel would be like or the storyline.
In an interview with Movie Web, Mary Holland (as Martha Reiser), has already expressed her expectations for what the debut film will preferably accomplish. Holland explained that she wants spectators to “feel inspired to be themselves and trust that they will be loved for who they are.” Proceeding on, she added:
“I think that is what’s so beautiful about this movie, and definitely what drew me to it on top of it being full of so many amazing performers that I love and admire. It’s such a celebration of self-acceptance, growth, and friendship… I hope it’s an inspiring movie for our youth to watch.”