Toronto, Canada – Ryan Gosling, the renowned actor known for his roles in “The Notebook” and “La La Land,” has been captivating audiences with his portrayal of Ken in the upcoming summer blockbuster, “Barbie.” Despite initial skepticism about his casting, Gosling has proven his ability to embody the lovable himbo character. As the film’s release approaches, the actor has been sharing his unique perspective on capturing “Kenergy.”
During a recent stop on the Barbie press tour in Toronto, Gosling, a native of Canada, playfully renamed the city “Kenada” in a nod to his character. In a short clip shared on social media, Gosling and his sister Mandi were asked about harnessing one’s own “Kenergy.”
Gosling responded with enthusiasm, stating, “It’s there the whole time. You’ve got it so strong, I can feel it right now. Look no further; you are Kenough.” The actor likened “Kenergy” to the invisible presence of wifi, emphasizing its constant presence and impact. When asked about the connection between “Kenergy” and bees, Gosling admitted uncertainty but expressed an intriguing curiosity.
Fans have been quick to praise Gosling’s playfulness and humor during the press tour. One fan described his approach as “method acting on another level,” while others eagerly anticipate a highlight video of Gosling’s entertaining engagements. Many have expressed their admiration for his reassuring and wonderful energy, affirming that Gosling will always remain a prominent figure in the industry.
Gosling’s lighthearted approach to the Barbie press tour has become a major highlight for fans. Many applaud his ability to infuse humor into his promotional activities, declaring that he is at his best when in “goofy mode.” It is clear that Gosling’s contributions to the film’s promotion are leaving a lasting impression on audiences and securing a special place in press tour history.
As “Barbie” prepares to hit the screens, fans eagerly await the release of the film, eager to witness Gosling’s portrayal of Ken and the contagious “Kenergy” he brings to the character.