Created and directed by Pedro Morelli, “Brotherhood” is a Brazilian crime drama TV series that was released on Netflix on October 25, 2019. Following the success of the first season, Netflix renewed the series for a second season on February 22, 2021, which was released in May 2022 while fans have been anxiously awaiting the confirmation for a third season.
The story takes place in São Paulo, set in the 90s that revolves around Cristina (played by Naruna Costa), a truthful and committed attorney, who finds out that her estranged brother Edson (played by Seu Jorge) is in a prison and directs a criminal group known as the “Brotherhood” gang. Cristina is coerced by the cops to serve as an informant and betray her brother, who has not met her sister for many years. By entering the Brotherhood on a dangerous and life-threatening mission, she comes face to face with her shadiest side and starts to waver her own ideas of justice.
Although it hasn’t been that long since the second season aired, fans of this series are curious to know if Netflix will greenlight “Brotherhood” for a third season run. Let’s find out below:
Brotherhood Season 3 Release Date When is it?
Unfortunately, Netflix’s Brotherhood has not yet been renewed for a third season by the streamer and therefore, an official release date is not available for now. Fans of the Brotherhood series may have to wait for a while given that it’s not even a month since the third season ended.
The series made its debut on Netflix on October 25, 2019. After a gap of over two years because of the covid-19 pandemic, the series finally returned with its second season on May 11, 2022.
Coming back to the air date, it’s not known if Netflix will renew the series but given the popularity of the show, the chances of returning are extremely high, and if we have to predict a release date, we can anticipate the new episodes to be out sometime in 2023 at the earliest.
The Cast of Brotherhood
Brotherhood centers around the lives of two siblings Cristina (Naruna Costa) and Edson (Seu Jorge), so fans can expect these two main characters to return in the upcoming third season. Other cast members who are also expected to return are-
- Hermila Guedes in the role of Darlene
- Lee Taylor in the role of Ivan
- Danilo Grangheia in the character of Andrade
- Pedro Wagner in the role of Carniça
- Wesley Guimarães in the role of Marcel
- João Humberto Vancini
- Dion Andias
Additionally, it’s most likely that new characters will be introduced to the viewers if a third season happens.
Brotherhood Season 4: Plot
Plot details are not known as the showrunners have not revealed anything on season 3 of Brotherhood.
However, if Netflix renews Brotherhood for season 3, the story will continue to focus on Cristina and Ivan’s effort to lead the gang to new heights. Buri will attempt to flee from Zica’s revenge. The third season may be the last season of the series bringing closure to all the continuing characters. Cristina became the new leader or as to how Ivan describes her, the therapist of the gang. We’ll have to find out in the next season if Cristina will become just like his criminal brother or will she become into something else which she has been running from the whole time? Let’s wait and find out.
Where to watch Brotherhood 3?
Season 1 and 2 of Brotherhood are available for viewing on Netflix. If Season 3 returns, the new episodes will also be available on the streaming giant.