Monsters, Inc. aka Monsters, Incorporated is a computer-animated monster comedy American film for kids that debuted in the United States on October 28, 2001. Created by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures, the film’s storyline follows, “In a world inhabited by monsters, the city of Monstropolis harnesses the screams of human children for energy.” The film received an outstanding response from people all around the globe and turned out to be a huge hit. Created on a budget of $115 million, Monsters INC reached an overall box-office collection of $577.4 million.
It stars John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Steve Buscemi, James Coburn, Jennifer Tilly, and Mary Gibbs as the voice-over star cast.
Will Monsters Inc 3 return in 2024?
Nope, the film has officially been canceled, and won’t be returning for its third part.
The world first met Mike and Sully in Disney Pixar’s 2001 masterpiece Monsters Inc., who were renowned for being portrayed by Billy Crystal and John Goodman, respectively. The tale of how the two friends met while attending Monsters University for their college education was then revealed to viewers in 2013.
Much to Ben Feldman’s Tylor Tuskmon, the show’s protagonist, the characters in the 2021 follow-up series Monsters at Work were in a state of upheaval as their civilisation shifted from scream power to laugh power. Disney hasn’t revealed anything about the second season of Monsters at Work other than it’s in production.
Several Monsters University characters will return in Disney+’s Monsters at Work Season 2, according to Deadline. Aubrey Plaza from Parks and Recreation is one of those that is returning.
Mike and Sully’s fraternity participate in the Scare Games, which are hosted by Claire Wheeler, the school’s master of ceremonies, played by Plaza in Monsters University.
According to Deadline, Bobby Moynihan will once more provide the voice of Chet Alexander, and Nathan Fillion will also be returning to the role of Johnny Worthington III.
What’s the Story Behind Monsters at Work?
Fans of the franchise may remember that at the conclusion of the first book in the series, Monsters, Inc., Sully and Mike expose the CEO of their corporation for his illegal actions.
At the end of the movie, another significant discovery is made: kids are not harmful to monsters, and in addition, their laughing gives monster society considerably more strength than their cries ever could.
Tylor spends the most of the show getting to know his eccentric coworkers and making numerous attempts to get on the Laugh Floor.
Numerous characters from the first two movies also made a comeback in the first season. Sully and Mike were recurring roles for Goodman and Crystal, while Jennifer Tilly returned as the snake-haired Celia. John Ratzenberger, a mainstay of Pixar, even made an appearance as the Abominable Snowman.
Since the first announcement of Season 2 in 2022, there has been radio silence. A few people were worried that the show might have been canceled because of Disney+’s recent content purge. Do watch out for more updates!
Monsters INC 3 Cast
So far, no official announcement about the upcoming installment of the Monsters INC 3 has been made from the maker’s end. However, considering the ending of the second film, we can expect tons of characters from the previous chapter to appear in the upcoming season.
- John Goodman will voice as Sullivan
- Billy Crystal will voice as Mike
- Mary Gibbs will voice as Boo
- Steve Buscemi will voice as Randall
- James Coburn will voice as Waternoose
- Jennifer Tilly will voice as Celia
- Bob Peterson will voice as Roz
- John Ratzenbergerwill voice as Yeti
- Frank Oz will voice as Fungus
- Daniel Gerson will voice as Needleman and Smitty
- Steve Susskind will voice as Jerry
- Bonnie Hunt will voice as Flint
- Jeff Pidgeon will voice as Bile
- Sam Black will voice as George Sanderson
Monsters INC 3 Release Date
The makers of Monsters INC have not officially confirmed whether the series will be coming back or not. According to the update, the upcoming season will probably hit the theater screen and be released by late 2023 or mid 2024. Leaving this, we currently have nothing from the production’s end. We’ll keep you guys updated as soon as the makers air anything official on the film.
“We love Monsters Inc. and Monsters University, and we’re always thinking about new ways to tell stories in that world.” Producer Bob Peterson said in an interview regarding Monsters Inc. season 3 renewal!
While there hasn’t been any official updates regarding the season 3 renewal of Monsters Inc, Monsters at Work producer Bob Peterson hinted at potential franchise expansion in a recent interview: “We love Monsters Inc. and Monsters University, and we’re always thinking about new ways to tell stories in that world. We’ll see what the future holds, whether it’s Monsters at Work or something else.”
This means Disney may renew Monsters Inc. for a third season, although no decision has been made. Monsters Inc. may be renewed for a third season set after the first two films because Monsters at Work is a prequel. Fans have also suggested that Monsters Inc.’s third season should focus on Boo, a toddler in the first film and a young girl in the second. Once Boo knows about monsters, seeing how she grows up and interacts with them will be interesting.
Monsters Inc.’s third-season renewal is uncertain. Disney is still considering new methods to tell stories in that universe, which is fantastic! Do watch out for more updates!
Is it worth watching Monsters Inc.?
Monsters Inc. is worth watching. The animated comedy series is pleasant and engaging for all ages. Two best friends and Monsters Inc. scarers, Mike and Sully, are the show’s protagonists. Monsters Inc. scares children to create electricity. Mike and Sully discover that youngsters are not as dangerous as they feared and must find a new power source.
The show is well-written and has likable characters. Both Mike and Sully are excellent, and their camaraderie drives the show. Boo, the cute girl who gets lost in the monster world, and Celia, Mike’s receptionist lover, are great supporting characters. Further, the monster world has innovative creatures and extraordinary animation. The show has impressive kid and adult humor. Overall, it’s a charming, touching, and beautiful animated comedy worth viewing.
Monsters INC: Where To Watch?
You can stream Monsters INC consisting of six episodes online on Disney Plus and Disney Networks. But it is currently available only to audiences in America, but as this series is getting popular, we are sure that some streaming platforms will surely take this show’s rights and it is intended that the show will be made available internationally soon.
Monsters INC 3 Trailer
Since we know, we’ve no information regarding the renewal of the upcoming installment. Also, there hasn’t been any official announcement on the promotional teaser or trailer isn’t out yet. It will premiere after 2-3 months when the show’s official release date has been finalized.
As soon as the makers publicly disclose anything, we’ll be the first to inform you all!