The Croods: Family Tree is an American comedy-adventure computer-animated TV series that debuted on September 23, 2021, on Hulu and Peacock. Produced by DreamWorks Animation under DreamWorks Animation Television, the storyline of the series is based on the 2013 animated film The Croods, taking place after the events of the 2020 film, The Croods: A New Age.
It stars Kiff VandenHeuvel, Ally Dixon, Darin Brooks, A. J. Locascio, Amy Landecker, Artemis Pebdani, Matthew Waterson, Amy Rosoff, and Kelly Marie Tran as the voice of the lead cast members.
The series is produced by DreamWorks Animation Television in association with Mark Banker and Todd Grimes.
Will there be season 5 of The Croods: Family Tree?
Yes, the series has been officially announced by the makers. DreamWorks Animation Television recently with a tweet announced that season 5 of The Croods: Family Tree will premiere in 2023. The production company also announced the release date of the series, read the entire article to know the exact date of release.
The Croods: Family Tree Season 5 Cast?
So far, there has been no confirmation regarding the cast members of the upcoming season of The Croods: Family Tree. However, if the series continues we hope to see some old faces appear in the next season. Hulu and Peacock both the production are both looking forward to continuing with the same cast members (source).
Find out the list of faces we might expect in season:-
- Kiff VandenHeuvel will play as Grug Crood and Lighting Bolt
- Ally Dixon will play as as Eep Crood
- Darin Brooks will play as Guy
- A. J. Locascio will play as Thunk Crood
- Amy Landecker will play as Ugga Crood
- Artemis Pebdani will plyas Gran Crood
- Dee Bradley Baker will play as Sandy, Belt, and Sash
- Matthew Waterson will play as Phil Betterman
- Amy Rosoff will play as Hope Betterman
- Kelly Marie Tran will play as Dawn Betterman
The Croods: Family Tree Season 5 Release Date?
As we know, the release date of the series has already been announced by the makers of the show. The fifth season will premiere on November 25, 2022. However, no cast list has been officially announced by the makers yet. As soon as any updates regarding The Croods: Family Tree Season 5 are made public, we’ll inform you guys. Don’t forget to bookmark our page, and stay connected for future updates!
The Croods: Family Tree: Where To Watch?
The upcoming chapter of The Croods: Family Tree will premiere on the same platform where all the previous seasons were released. The platforms are Hulu and Peacock.
The Croods: Family Tree Season 5 Trailer?
As we discovered above, there has been no official news from the production’s side about making. So, as of now, there is no official trailer for the television. Generally, the trailer comes out a month or two before the release date. Thus, keeping the meta in mind we might expect the arrival of the trailer once it is renewed!
Better stay connected to us, we will update the trailer video on the website as soon as it is published.