An alien adventure film titled “Unexpected Treasures” is coming soon, starring actors like Mike Manning. Although this upcoming film has not revealed much details yet, we do have some interesting updates about it that you don’t want to miss. So, when can we expect “Unexpected Treasures” to be released?
Here’s everything you would like to know about the upcoming film Unexpected Treasures and Mike Manning’s role in it.
A little about the upcoming film Unexpected Treasures
Unexpected Treasures is an upcoming adventure film that will make you fall for it hopefully, be it with its plot or the star cast. The film is directed by John Paul Ungaretti and written by him and Christina Heller. Not to forget, its producers are Heller and Aline Andrade, with executive producers as Joanna Popper, Virginia Galloway, and more.
The storyline of the upcoming sci-fi film might not have been revealed completely. However, we found Deadline and IMDb stating its plot as “a wild alien encounter restores a local resident’s faith in humanity.” The plot is set around the Joshua Tree though more about the plot would be disclosed later.
In addition to the mentioned plot for Unexpected Treasures, we are delighted by the cast list of the upcoming film as well. Starring in the film this time, we have actors like Mike Manning and many others. So, what is Mike Manning supposed to play in the upcoming adventure film? Here’s what we know about his role.
Mike Manning is all set to be seen in the upcoming adventure film Unexpected Treasures
Actor Mike Manning is a talented star who has appeared in several films and series so far. Now it’s time for him to be seen in the upcoming adventure film Unexpected Treasures, although his character in the film has not been disclosed yet. But fans of Manning are excited over the announcement of his arrival in the upcoming film.
In addition to Manning, we will also get to see AnnaMaria Demara in the upcoming film, alongside Jay Whittaker and Aaron Groben. Michael Dunn will also appear in the film with Olivia Blue. Also, don’t miss seeing Lauren Han and Rex Edhlund in John’s arriving film.
Unexpected Treasures, as per Deadline, has wrapped up its production in Joshua Tree, CA. However, the release date of the movie has not been revealed yet. So, we can’t expect a trailer to be released anytime soon either. Hopefully, we may get all of these details in the upcoming months.
Possibly, we will get to see many more actors to join as cast of the Unexpected Treasures. Though currently their names have not been announced.
Needless to say, after the production of Unexpected Treasures has wrapped up. We can expect updates on the release to come out soon, as everyone is curious to have the film to watch. The trailer of the film would be worth waiting for as well; it will show a glimpse of what the arriving movie is going to be all about.