Created by Jeff Rake, Manifest is a supernatural drama TV series. It aired on NBC on 24th September 2018. The story revolves around the crew and passengers of a commercial airliner. This airliner was presumed dead but it reappeared after five and a half years.
The series Manifest explores some of the 191 passengers of Montego Air Flight 828. Everyone on board their flight from Jamaica was presumed dead. However, they arrived in NYC in 2013. So far there are four seasons of the series.
Here are all the updates about the fifth season of the series Manifest, including the release date, plot, trailer details, and other information.
Will there be a season 5 of Manifest?
While creating the series, Jeff Rake anticipated that Manifest will comprise six seasons. However, in June 2021, NBC announced that Manifest season 5 had been cancelled.
Unfortunately, as disappointing as it sounds, there won’t be a season 5 of Manifest! The first ten episodes of Manifest season 4 arrived on Netflix on November 4. And there are another ten yet to come. Stay connected with us for more updates!
Manifest season 5 release date
As aforesaid, Manifest has not been renewed for season 5 – it has been cancelled! And so, there’s no release date. The makers haven’t made any announcements as to why the show got cancelled. Perhaps, it’s typically the ratings.
When the show debuted, it received a respectable number of viewers. However, with the upcoming seasons, the viewership and ratings declined. Production cost was about the same but they weren’t making much profit. Perhaps that’s why the makers decided not to continue with the series.
Creators Melissa Roxburgh and Josh Dallas want a fifth season of Manifest: Will It Happen?
As of this writing, the Manifest actors and creators have not announced Season 5 renewal—however, certain signs suggest the show may be renewed.
The show’s fourth season ended on a cliffhanger, suggesting the makers have more stories. Two, the fourth season has been a Netflix hit, ranking in the top 10 for weeks. Finally, Melissa Roxburgh and Josh Dallas want a fifth season.
It’s literally up to Netflix to decide whether or not the fifth season of Manifest will return. We shall update this space as and when any information is available—please stay connected with us until then!
Is Manifest Worth watching?
Many reasons make Manifest worth watching:
- The show’s main mystery—what happened to Flight 828 and its passengers—is captivating. The show skillfully reveals facts slowly, keeping audiences wondering.
- Complex characters: Manifest has well-developed characters. As they cope with the flight’s disappearance and unexpected callings, viewers sympathise for them.
- Manifest is a heartfelt show. It realistically and relatably addresses love, sorrow, sadness, and hope.
- Thought-provoking themes: Manifest addresses fate, family, and love. The show will linger in your mind.
- In addition to these reasons, Manifest has good production, acting, and writing. The show will appeal to mystery, drama, and science fiction aficionados.
If you want a show that’s entertaining and thought-provoking, watch Manifest.
Season 5 Manifest trailer: Is it out yet?
The series has been cancelled, and so, there’s no trailer for season 5. The fourth season will be the last. The new season’s executive producers include Robert Zemeckis, Jack Rapke, Jacqueline Levine, and Len Goldstein. As a result, there is no way a Manifest Season 5 trailer will be released.
Manifest season 5 cast: Who’s going to be in it?
The fourth season of Manifest comprised a few new characters. We met Kyle Bond. He was a passenger on Flight 828 with key characters. Henry Kim – another passenger who was detailed in Singapore upon his return.
Two more characters named Tela and June, the backstories of whom we know less. We also saw two minor characters, Captain Kevin Fahey and Detective Price.
According to a tweet shared by the Renew Manifest account, Season 4 will also feature “the Eden twins,” though little is known about their roles.
What to expect from Manifest season five plot?
The plot of the series Manifest is about an airliner named Montefi Air Flight 828. It flew from Jamaica and encountered severe disturbance. The plane lands at Stewart International Airport in Newburgh, New York.
There are 191 passengers and crew on board. We learn from NSA deputy director Robert Vance that they were presumed dead for over five and a half years. As they return to NYC, the passengers begin to realize that their lives and loved ones aren’t the same as they were. They also begin to hear guiding voices and see visions of events yet to occur, known as ‘callings.’ If season 5 happens, the plot will continue from here.
Where to watch Manifest?
You may watch the series Manifest on Netflix.
Is Manifest season 6 happening?
Season 5 of the series has been cancelled. And so, there won’t be a season 6 of Manifest!