This upcoming feature film, is set in the future where the world is a dystopia and history has been re-written. Titled as, ‘Freeland’, the film will focus on a 17 year old boy living in the said totalitarian dystopia, in “Freeland” as the place in called in the near distant future. Nicolas, the protagonist, is living an idyllic life pretty much like everyone around him. With a loving family, Nicolas is unaware that in the mid-2030s, a creationist revolution re-wrote history. When he presents a globe as his project in his school, claiming that the earth is round, the school authorities are immediately concerned and in fear assigns Nicolas off to a five-week reeducation reformatory, Hotel Roma. Having realized the truth by now, Nicolas is determined to escape Freeland. Along the way, he falls in love with Hipatia, the daughter a of political prisoner. Together, they hatch a plan for their escape.
‘Freeland’ is supposedly under active development under Koncept Company. Koncept Company is an emerging production company based in Spain. Despite its developing stage, the filming of ‘Freeland will potentially commence this year.
Katina Medina Mora to Compose the Screenplay for ‘Freeland’
Katina Medina Mora and Julio Rojas will be joining the crew for ‘Freeland’ as its writers. Katina Medina Mora is a known artist whose works include, ‘You Will Know What to Do with Me’ which featured Ilse Salas, Mariana Treviño, Rosa María Bianchi, José Ángel Bichir and more, ‘LuTo’ a romance drama which premiered in 2015, ‘Private Property’ which is directed by Nadia Ayala Tabachnik. mAdditionally, Katina Medina Mora will be directing the upcoming feature film. Julio Rojas is another popular artist whose works include, ‘La vida de los peces’ which premiered in 2010, ‘Sábado, una película en tiempo real’ a horror drama, ‘Los debutantes’ which was directed by Andrés Waissbluth and more. Joining the crew as the producers of ‘Freeland’ are creators, Nestor Hernández and Eva Herrero.
Following the rise of Dystopian themed fiction during the 2010s, the genre seems to be making its way back to the top through several new productions such as ‘Freeland’. ‘Freeland’ essentially questions the repercussions that arise when a totalitarian authority is put in a position of power. The escape attempt made by Nicolas and his accomplices across Freeland’s borders is a visual that has appeared in multiple young adult books including the ‘Divergent’ book/ film series by Veronica Roth and indicates the quest of the protagonist to find out about the truth through what is beyond their understanding of the world. Perhaps the rest of the upcoming feature film will be exploring Nicolas’ perspectives change as he encounters what lies beyond the borders of Freeland.