“Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons” is a docu-series distributed by Emporium Productions which is based in London that was launched on April 12, 2016, on Netflix. The docu-series was previously presented by Paul Connolly for the first season and Raphael Rowe from the second to fifth seasons.
The host of the show hides his real identity and sneaks in as a prisoner to show viewers a glance at what happens in the everyday life of the world’s toughest prisons. The Netflix docu series emphasizes prisoners from many different backgrounds and standards of violation and comprises horrific tales about the most gruesome crimes.
To bring their stories to light, disciplinary authorities and other outlets provided information to journalist Raphael Rowe who tours the world in search of stories to share with global audiences.
“We’re always, rightly, told that we’re safe because the bad guy is locked up, but it is what happens next that is key,” the show’s host and presenter Raphael Rowe disclosed to Express about what really happens in the show.
Scary and interesting as it appears as Rowe boldly interviews the world’s most wanted criminals that are locked up in the world’s toughest prisons and gives the viewers a wider look at what’s happening inside the prison and the show’s fifth season was a success among the audience and so now, many people can’t help but eager to know when they will get a new season and experience the terror and excitement that the show offers. Here’s what we know about the sixth season of “Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons.”
Is “Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons” renewed for a sixth season?
Unfortunately, the sixth season of the popular docu-series has not been renewed yet. However, it’s not like Netflix will not renew it given the massive popularity of the show, we’re optimistic that the show will earn the green signal very soon.
‘’Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons’’ Season 6 Release Date: When will it premiere?
The show has five seasons and an overall 19 episodes so far. The first season aired on April 12, 2016, with a total of four episodes. The second season was released on July 6, 2018, comprising a list of 4 episodes. The third season of the docu-series was launched on July 29, 2020, with 4 episodes in total, and the fifth season premiered on January 3, 2021, comprising 3 episodes.
As of now, there are no specific details when it comes to the sixth season of “Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons” though it has been almost a year since the previous season aired. So why is Netflix taking so much time just to renew the show for a new season? Could it be that they’re secretly filming? I guess we’ll have to wait for further announcements.
If the show gets renewed for a sixth season run, we can expect the new episodes to arrive in early 2022.
Who’ll be in the sixth season of “Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons”
In the much anticipated upcoming season, we can expect to see Raphael Rowe return as he travels around the world interviewing criminals in prisons.
Raphael Rowe, what seemed to be an “ideal host” for the show, himself had spent twelve years in prison who was accused of killing and thievery in 1988 which he did not even commit.
Rowe explained to Express back in 2020: “Nobody has taken the unique journey I have, That’s because I’ve embraced what happened to me rather than allow it to continue to destroy me in the way that it did when I was in prison.”
He continued: “I find it a challenge to stand and look a man in the face and ask him why he raped a child, a woman, or a man for that matter, and ask him in detail to try and understand the mentality, I can imagine the scars that have been left behind in that individual will be something they will never be able to brush off and will live with them long after the prisoner is freed.”
“It’s scarred me for life,” Rowe confessed to the horrific experience he had, “the psychological and physical harm of being in prison for a crime I didn’t commit.” He also pointed out that he doesn’t take his job as a host of “Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons” lightly. He then added: “Nobody has taken the unique journey I have,” and which is why he is befitting to be called the “ideal host” for this docu-series.
The fifth season that had 3 episodes was filmed in South Africa, the Philippines, and Greenland. So the sixth season will likely be filmed in three different places. However, it’s not known which destination Rowe is headed next.