The Family Man is an Indian action thriller streaming television series created by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K. for Amazon Prime Video and stars Manoj Bajpayee who portrays Srikant Tiwari from a middle-class background who confidentially works as an Intelligence Official for the Threat Analysis & Surveillance Cell (TASC), an imaginary branch of the National Investigation Agency. The series also stars Priyamani, Neeraj Madhav, Sharad Kelkar, Dalip Tahil, Sharib Hashmi, Shreya Dhanwanthary, and Sunny Hinduja.
Directed and produced by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna D.K. who also co-penned the story and screenplay along with Suman Kumar, with dialogue jotted down by Sumit Arora and Sumit Arora. In the second season, Samatha Akkineni was cast as the main villain, as she invaded the digital platform with Suparn S. Verma helms a portion of the season.
As much as the third season is concerned, fans need not worry as the showrunners of the popular series have already made a formal declaration that the third installment will make a comeback soon which means fans could see their favorite character Srikant Tiwari (Manoj Bajpayee) as the series return with new episodes.
This piece of an announcement made the fans hyped up as well as the viewers to see Manjo Bajpayee as he continues his mission in the next season. Read more to know all the details below.
The Family Man Season 3 Release date: When is it?
The first season of The Family Man premiered on September 20, 2019, comprising 10 episodes followed by the second season which was released on June 4, 2021.
The Family Man earned favorable responses from audiences and critics alike applauding the performance of the actors, the well-crafted plot, and its excellent execution. This series also managed to bag the most viewed web series on the streaming service, Amazon Prime Video.
Following the success of its first and second season, it’s no surprise that the series is getting a much-needed third-season run. The series creators Raj and D. K. declared openly in May 2020 that the third installment of The Family Man is soon to be in development and since it’s already almost at the end of the year, filming might be in the last stages if there are no delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic as India is badly affected by the pandemic and still struggling with it.
While the official release date is not yet confirmed, we assume that fans won’t get to see the new episodes until 2023 at the earliest as we have mentioned before, India is still amidst the pandemic. So fingers crossed that we get to see the new season as soon as possible.
The Family Man Season 3 Cast: Who’ll be in it?
If the web series returns with a third season, we’ll get to see all the major characters in the upcoming season portraying their assigned roles which include—
- Manoj Bajpayee (as Srikant Tiwari)
- Priyamani (as Suchitra Tiwari)
- Samantha Akkineni ( as Rajalakshmi Sekharan)
- Sharib Hashmi (as Jayavant Kashinath “JK” Talpade)
- Neeraj Madhav (as Moosa Rehman)
- Pawan Chopra (as Sharma)
- Sharad Kelkar (as Arvind)
- Dalip Tahil (as Kulkarni)
- Darshan Kumar (as Major Sameer)
- Uday Mahesh (as Chellam)
- Devadarshini (as M Umayal)
The Family Man Season 3 Plot: What to expect?
Plot details are limited at the moment but according to various sources, the forthcoming season will be set during the events of the novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. As per reports, the main lead Srikant would not contract the deadly virus but he’ll likely confront the Chinese battalions. In the next season, the whole Chinese nation will be focussing on containing the virus outbreak. The showrunners will take their shooting for the third season in multiple locations in India including the Northeast area of India for the most important part of the forthcoming season. The filming locations are planned to take place in Nagaland, Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai.