Deaimon is a Japanese manga series written by Rin Asano and published by Kadokawa Shoten in the Young Ace, a seinen manga magazine since May 2016. The manga series has so far completed thirteen volumes. An anime television series adaptation of the same name based on the manga series produced by Studio Encourage Films premiered in April 2022.
The anime series debuted consisting of twelve episodes. The list of episodes are:
- Episode 1: “Nagomu and Itsuka”
- Episode 2: “Echoing Through the Hydrangea”
- Episode 3: “A Summer Night’s Accompaniment”
- Episode 4: “A Blue Wind Rustling Fresh Leaves”
- Episode 5: “Welcoming the Spirits”
- Episode 6: “Autumn’s Potato Moon”
- Episode 7: “Dancing in Autumn Colors”
- Episode 8: “Chestnut Retrospective”
- Episode 9: “Long-Awaited Warmth of Spring”
- Episode 10: “Reminiscing About Waiting for Spring”
- Episode 11: “Is It Good”
- Episode 12: “Red Sea Bream for a Spring Dawn”
With the first season wrapped, fans are now wondering about the second season of this wonderful anime series. Here’s what we know about it.
Deaimon Season 2 Release Date: When is it?
Unfortunately, there’s been no news regarding season two of the anime series ever since the first season ended.
This soul-healing anime is popular across Japan and it’s no wonder why fans are looking forward to the second season of this wholesome series. The characters are very much likeable and although it doesn’t really focus on romance, the two main characters Nagomu Irino and Itsuka Yukihira share an adorable relationship. The story between the main protagonists is so well crafted that one might even call it a cute love story. Now tell me, who doesn’t want a second season of Deaimon and witness how their relationship explores further right?
If by any means the second season gets renewed, fans would likely get to see the new episodes sometime in 2023.
The Cast and Characters of Deaimon Season 2
Because this anime series doesn’t center on plenty of characters, we expect that almost all the characters as seen in the first season will once again return if a second season is greenlit.
- Nagomu Irino will be voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki
- Itsuka Yukihira will be voiced by Kozue Yūki
- Heigo Irino will be voiced by Rikiya Koyama
- Fuki Irino will be voiced by Sayaka Ohara[2]
- Masa Tatsumi will be voiced by Hiroshi Iwasaki
- Auntie Otsuru will be voiced by Satsuki Yukino
- Saki Seto will be voiced by Takuma Nagatsuka
- Mitsuru Horikawa will be voiced by Minori Suzuki
- Kanoko Matsukaze will be voiced by Minami Takahashi
- Hiiro Kisaichi will be voiced by Saori Hayami
- Shinri Yukihira will be voiced by Maaya Sakamoto
- Tomoe Yukihira will be voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
- Masayo Irino will be voiced by Miho Yoshida
Deaimon Season 2 Plot: What to expect?
Set in Kyoto wagashi mart, the main lead is an only son named Nagomu Irino whose goal is to become a member of a band. To achieve his goal, he fled from home ten years ago so that he could live in Tokyo. One day, Nagomu gets a letter from his home noting his father is hospitalized and requests him to run the family shop, so he abandons his dreams and finally returns to his hometown.
While Nagomu was away, a young girl named Itsuka Yukihira who is just ten years of age has started working in their family shop. His mother, who now became a foster mother to Itsuka around the time that Nagomu was chasing his goal as a band member, proclaims that there will be a competition between Itsuka and Nagomu and the winner will take over the family shop.
In season two, it’s likely the two main characters Itsuka and Nagomu will proceed to be friendly rivals while developing their relationship further and running the shop together. We expect that it’s going to be another wholesome series and we can’t wait for it.
Stay tuned for more information!