Cheer Squad is a Canadian reality-based tv show that was launched on the ABC Spark network on July 6, 2016, and in the United States, it was broadcast on Freeform network on August 22, 2016. The show revolves around the Canadian cheerleading squad known as The Great White Sharks as they function jointly on the journey to the world championships. So far the series has got only one season despite its popularity.
Produced by Good Human Productions and Corus Entertainment’s ABC Spark, the series consists of ten episodes in total with a run time of 42 minutes. Claire Freeland served as the show’s executive producer.
Season 1 List of Episodes:
- “Building A New Dream Team”
- “Standing Out and Fitting In”
- “Summer Heat”
- “Showcase Showdown”
- “Stage Fright”
- “Desperate Measures”
- “Texas Stars”
- “Rock Bottom”
- “Romance and Retribution”
- “Three-Peat?!”
The cheer squad The Great White Sharks comprises talented and skilled members that have won the coveted title of world championship more than once, and they are striving to defend that crown. The show exhibits their strenuous activity schedule while also trying to balance their school life and private lives, maintaining their relationships and their jobs as part-time workers. The squad that is lined up of young talented athletes is a source of motivation to the fans.
The cast of Cheer Squad
Here are the names of the cast members that appeared in the first season of Cheer Squad:
- Munira Alawi
- Alicia Jantzi (a.k.a Yahtzee)
- Leah Smith (a.k.a Smitty)
- Erin Kotlar (a.k.a Moe)
- Emily Vesterfelt (a.k.a Vesty)
- Bethany Lewis (a.k.a Beth)
- Rebecca Webster (a.k.a Becca)
- Chelsea Matteson
- Ashleigh Dodunski
- Jenna Dodunski
- Jordan Knox (a.k.a Knoxy)
- Daniela Uhlenbruck (a.k.a Dani)
- Laura Ashley (a.k.a L.A.)
- Sarah Schlotzhauer (a.k.a Schlotzy)
- Brittany Silveira (a.k.a B-Silv)
- Madeline Sims (a.k.a Maddy)
- Christina Zara (a.k.a Zara)
- Lindsay MacKenzie (a.k.a Mack)
- Lora Jordan (Assistant Coach)
- Mariah Vittoria Pimpao (a.k.a Bella)
- Megan McCrae
- Jennifer Power (a.k.a Power)
- Lindsay Everson (a.k.a Nubs)
- Ashley Blayney-Hoffer (a.k.a B.H.)
- Kiana Horchover (a.k.a Horch)
- Haley Debruyne (a.k.a Bruney)
- Bailey Sprout
- Ali Moffatt (Coach)
Is Cheer Squad season 2 renewed?
As of now, the series has not been renewed yet. It’s been a few years since the first season aired. Neither have we heard anything about a new season. It’s also not known if the show will return and continue the story of the cheerleading team but it looks like the future seems uncertain.
It seems like the network ABC Spark nor Freeform have any plans to resume the show for another season run. But it simply doesn’t necessarily indicate that the series won’t be greenlit for a new season. All that is left for us to do is to wait for an official update before we go deeper into our own assumptions.
Cheer Squad season 2 release date: When is it?
It is very difficult to foresee when the second of Cheer Squad would arrive if the series is renewed because its air time on the American network has been unusual with each new scene airing on a weeknight on the Freeform network since Cheer Squad premiered on August 22, 2016.
Furthermore, the reason why we haven’t got any update from the showrunners could be chances are that the show might have already ended for good. If you check the Wikipedia page of Cheer Squad, on the release section the original release is mentioned from August 22, 2016, to September 7, 2016. So based on the Wikipedia report, we concluded that the show has indeed wrapped and it’s no wonder why we still haven’t got any announcement concerning the second season of Cheer Squad. It’s such a bummer that an amazing show like the Cheer Squad won’t be continuing however, nothing is confirmed and until we get official news from the showrunners, we can’t be too sure of anything.
But on the off chance, if you’re looking for some competitive shows, there are tons of other reality shows that have recorded the struggles of being an athlete or a cheerleader.