Cells at Work! is an English abbreviation of the Japanese manga series named はたらく細胞. Written and illustrated by Akane Shimizu, Cells at Work is a Japanese manga and anime series. The storyline follows – “the anthropomorphized cells of a human body, with the two main protagonists being a red blood cell and a white blood cell she frequently encounters.” The series premiered on July 8, 2018, on Tokyo MX and ran till February 27, 2021. The series consists of a total of 21 episodes with a watch time of 40-50 min each.
So, are you guys ready to bestow your nightly TV routine with a sprinkle of drama, spoonfuls of fun, and baskets full of a rhythmic symphony again? Here’s everything you need to know about Cells at Work Season 3 including its release date, cast, and other updates.
Will there be Season 3 of Cells at Work?
As of November 2022, Tokyo MX has not announced any official confirmation regarding the renewal of the third chapter of the series. Also, there have been updates from production since 2019.
Cells at Work Season 3 Cast
So far, there has been no official announcement regarding the Cells at Work Season 3. However, considering the leaks and updates, we can expect tons of characters from the previous season to reappear in the upcoming season.
- Erythrocyte / Red Blood Cell will be voiced by Kana Hanazawa(Japanese) and Cherami Leigh (English)
- Neutrophil (好中球, Kōchūkyū) / White Blood will be voiced by Tomoaki Maeno (Japanese) and Billy Kametz (English)
- Killer T Cell will be voiced by Daisuke Onok (Japanese) and Robbie Daymond (English)
- Macrophage will be voiced by Kikuko Inoue (Japanese) and Laura Post (English)
- Platelet will be voiced by Maria Naganawan (Japanese) and Xanthe Huynh (English)
- Helper T Cell will be Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese) and Ray Chase (English)
- Helper T Cell will be Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese) and Ray Chase (English)
- Effector T Cell will be Voiced by: Kenji Nomura (Japanese) and Chris Tergliaferra (English)
- Eosinophil will be Voiced by M.A.O (Japanese) and Kayli Mills (English)
- Memory Cell will be Voiced by Yuichi Nakamura (Japanese) and Dave Vincent (English)
- Mast Cell will be Voiced by Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese) and Maureen Price (English)
Cells at Work Season 3 Release Date
So far, the show’s makers have not officially confirmed whether the series will be coming back or not. However, there are some rumors that the upcoming season will probably be released by mid-2023. Furthermore, it might get out on the same OTT platform as well.
As soon as the series is out, we’ll keep you updated. Till then, stay connected with us!
Cells at Work: Where To Watch?
You may watch the upcoming installment of the series on Tokyo MX.
Cells at Work Season 3 Trailer
As of now, there is no official trailer for Cells at Work Season 3. Generally, the trailer gets out 1 or 2 months before the release of the season itself.
Till then you can watch previous seasons of this series if you are curious about where to find Cells at Work Season 3 online on YouTube.