The last few months were riddled with the rumors surrounding potential law changes in the states of California and Washington in favor of Cannabis users at workplaces. Starting from January 1st, the new laws have come into effect with California having outlawed marijuana urine testing for employment application and termination.
The Assembly Bill which contained the new law also clearly stated how despite the banning of urine testing, it is not advisable for a person to enter a workplace under the influence or use the same in a professional environment. While urine tests are banned, the Bill has additionally stated that other valid tests (as specified in the Bill) are allowed. There was also another section stating how the law does not apply to people who work in “building or construction trades”. There were other Bills on reforms in matters relating to housing, healthcare, consumer protection and more which also took charge from January 1st. A possibility of such a change in laws to be introduced is to avoid any form of discrimination and unlawful practices. The same is stated in the Bill and other Bills which deal on the provided matters. Another contributing factor to the change in laws relating to the Cannabis test is the supposed lack of accuracy associated with hair and urine tests.
Nonetheless, seeing as how the law has officially taken form from January 1, 2024, any violation of the reformed laws could lead to serious consequences. A discussion that has come up on the matter is the possibility of the reformed laws being misused for one’s personal gain and leniency which pose a huge threat to employers. However, no news on the same has been reported within the one week which has passed. It appears, it is too soon to take the law into criticism.