A recent video which has been circulating on X (formerly called Twitter) has got people talking. In the video two Black men appear to be pouring cough syrup in Top Golf which then cuts to them being kicked out of the place for doing so. Except, upon being kicked out, these men raise an accusatory question to the staff asking if (they) are “racist”. The video has been garnering a lot of attention on social media and news blogs with people pointing out how a sensitive matter such as racism is misrepresented when some play the race card to get their means. Many also stated how the men were clearly in the wrong as pouring cough syrup on a place of public gathering where people of multiple age groups are present is not ideal.
2 men were thrown out of Top Golf in Arkansas for pouring up cough syrup in public. They then claimed the establishment was being “Racist” pic.twitter.com/gRmCUZtll0
— Daily Loud (@DailyLoud) January 10, 2024
Racism is prevalent all around the world and the same goes for America where the Black Community has been victims of the injustices against them throughout centuries of oppression and segregation. Many cases prove the same too, but what should also be said is how the country has seen a reduction in cases relating to the matter in recent years. That being said, the country is far from eliminating the social evil which plagues it and still needs to bring in reforms for people of other races and minorities. Added to that is how important it is for people to not misuse racial sentiments for their own gain.
The men in the video in discussion seem to be leaning towards garnering empathy and support in their attempt to portray themselves as the victims when clearly the reason for them being kicked out is quite rightfully stated. TopGolf is a usual hangout/ gaming spot where people are united in their love and passion for golfing. There is no space in it for differences of any kind be it race, culture, ethnicity or more to take hold and there should not be.