Conceived by Jennifer Pertsch and Lara Azzopardi, ‘Backstage’ is a Canadian musical drama that premiered on Family Channel (Canada) from March 18, to December 9, 2016 and in the US it aired on Disney Channel that ran from March 25 to September 30, 2016. The series was later launched on Netflix in 2017, with the second season releasing on the streamer on September 30, 2017. The series stars Devyn Nekoda, Alyssa Trask, Josh Bogert, Aviva Mongillo, Matthew Isen, Julia Tomasone, Adrianna Di Liello, Colin Petierre, Mckenzie Small, Romy Weltman, Isiah Hall, Kyal Legend, Chris Hoffman, Jane Moffat, and Thomas L. Colford.
The show’s popularity quickly heightened following the release of the second season and fans have since then been wondering if the musical drama will come back with another season despite the second season being
released way back in 2017. The extreme lack of information from the showrunners concerning season 4 may indicate that the series may be over for good. To know more about Backstage season 4, read this post till the end.
Will There Be a Season 3 of Backstage?
Unfortunately, no. As you may already know, Backstage was officially axed after the second season. Of course, many fans were saddened and felt unfulfilled as the second season finale ended on a cliffhanger. Fans who adore this show will now never get a chance to find out the full story. Hence, they have come up with their own theories and endings of their choice.
Fans across the globe have also started a petition for the series to release the third season to provide the story with a proper ending but it looks like their hard work has gone in vain because there’s been no word from the show makers even though the third season was launched five years ago.
Backstage Season 3 Release Date
As mentioned earlier, Backstage will not release season 3 because the series was canceled after the second season. Earlier, rumors were suggesting that the cast wanted to continue the series to give fans a satisfactory ending and was supposed to return with the third season by 2020 but no new season was released till now. This indicates that the series really has ended for good.
The Cast of Backstage Season 3
Likely, the series will not return with a third series but if it ever does, fans can expect their favorite characters. The following names are:
- Devyn Nekoda plays the role of Vanessa
- Alyssa Trask portrays the character of Carly
- Josh Bogert plays the role of Miles
- Aviva Mongillo plays Alya
- Matthew Isen plays Jax
- Julia Tomasone plays Bianca
- Adrianna Di Liello plays Jenna
- Colin Petierre portrays Sasha
- Mckenzie Small depicts the character Scarlett
- Romy Weltman plays Kit
- Isiah Hall illustrates Denzel
- Kyal Legend plays Julie
- Chris Hoffman plays Park
- Jane Moffat plays Helsweel
- Thomas L. Colford plays Beckett
Backstage Season 3 Plot
Plot details are not available because season 3 of Backstage won’t be happening nor do the showrunners have any plans of returning in the future as the series was officially canceled. The second season was the final season of the series.