Artificial intelligence is getting more involved in everyday life. In the last four years, usage of AI in industry and business sectors grew by 270%. In simple words, artificial intelligence is the ability of a digital computer or robot to do tasks associated with intelligent beings. Although, for most people, Artificial intelligence is still something strange and distant, the truth is AI is already involved in our lives. For example, algorithms used in advertising over social media are an excellent example of AI that users could understand. Did you notice how sponsored ads on social media often show something you browsed over the internet or recently purchased? That is AI-smart algorithms that follow your needs and interests.
AI in How Will AI Impact Everyday Lives?
Smart Home technology is an industry where AI gets already included in our everyday lives. Smart home includes almost all household appliances, lighting and entertainment. In addition to that, home safety and security also have AI implemented in their functioning. Multiple IoT devices with built-in AI technology interact to provide easily accessible managing and high efficiency. One intelligent home application allows users to connect all home appliances and manage them even distance. Users can even make a schedule for them. For example, have motorized curtains open at 7:00 and a coffee maker make fresh coffee at 7:15. Lightening and heating are up for scheduling, to turn on few minutes before the user get’s home from work. Smart Home managing will allow users to spend more time with family, relaxing with their favourite hobby.
This way, you’ll have more time for your extra activities that are long overdue in the queue, being it playing, fixing your leaking toolshed in the backyard or plain relaxing on the couch with some Live Roulette Online. Just don’t let the AI take the burden of fun too. Although, funnily enough, AI machine learning is already being used in casinos for data analytics to improve customer service and a safer playing environment.
AI in the Employment Industry
AI gets implemented in the hiring process in corporations. The automated applicant tracking system rejects about 75% of resumes before hiring managers even see them. 67% of hiring managers in the US uses AI-based software to make the process more successful and find an adequate candidate. AI as a New Business Skill
If you are looking for something new to learn or something that will make you stand out in the company learning AI is a great addition. In today’s market, AI knowledge is one of the best additions to the resume. Needs for AI skills in companies will grow by 71% in the next five years.
Jobscan is the software that provides resume scanning for job seekers. They are compared to the job description to get valid information about tweaking the resume to fit the given job listing.
Jobseeker is a browser add-on based on AI that will scan the resume and find matching job listings in terms of experience, skills and other keywords.
Rezi is an AI program that will make a template for a resume based on your needs, preferences, and jobs that the user is looking for daily. This automation allows users to generate a summary that is right on the spot.
Smart Technology possibilities build in homes and voice assistants are AI examples that we use in everyday life