“Agatha Raisin” is a British comedy-drama thriller mystery TV program, heavily inspired by the book series of the exact name written by M.C. Beaton. It is about a former PR agent who unravels crime puzzles in the Cotswolds village of Carsely.
The series was published as a pilot called “Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death” on December 26, 2014, followed by an eight-episode series that was first launched on Sky One network on June 7, 2016.
Upon release, this light thriller mystery series was well accepted by the audience. The program has so far managed to generate a total of three seasons. “Agatha Raisin” wouldn’t have made it this far without its steady viewers and promising reviews from both the audience and critics. The fourth season finished in February 2021. So as of now many fans are marveling when the fifth season of Agatha Raisin will come out. Without wasting any more time, let’s delve into the deets below!
Will There Be a Season 5 of Agatha Raisin?
As of October 2022, Acorn TV has yet to officially bestow the green signal for Season Five of Agatha Raisin. Hence, there is no air date determined for the next season. Nonetheless, this does not indicate that the series is axed. The show may be on a short break and the much-awaited new season has not been declared or planned yet. But fans need not worry because the series has a huge fan following from around the world and we’re optimistic that Agatha Raisin will indeed be back with another run.
When is Season 5 of Agatha Raisin Releasing?
The first season of Agatha Raisin was released on Sky One on June 7, 2016. Starting from the second season, Agatha Raisin season two was launched on Acorn TV on November 19, 2018. The third season premiered on October 28, 2019. The fourth season came out on December 21, 2021.
As previously mentioned, the show has yet to receive the green signal from the network. Therefore, an official release date has not been announced yet. However, if we have to make a guess, the new season will likely be out by the end of 2022 or sometime in 2023 at the earliest.
The Cast of Agatha Raisin Season 2
The cast members that are likely to return in the possible upcoming season of Agatha Raisin are:
- Ashley Jensen in the role of Agatha Raisin Matt McQuey in the part of DC Bill Wong
- Lucy Lyman will play the part of Sarah Blocksby
- Jason Barnett in the role of DCI Wilkes
- Jamie Glover will play James Lace
- Matthew Horn will return as Roy Silver
- Jason Merels will realise his role as Sir Charles Freight
- Katie Weeks will be back as Gemma Simpson
- Marcia Warren in the role of Mrs. Boggle
- Jody Tayak will portray Tony Gilmore
- Rushan Stone will play Jazz Blocksby
- June Watson will be back as Mrs. Judith Josephs
- Daisy Beaumont plays the part of Mary Fortune
Agatha Raisin Season 5 Plot
When it comes to the season 5 plot nothing is known but we do assume that the story will be picked from where it was left off. Other than that, we might have to wait patiently for the producers to make an official update concerning all the details of the next season of Agatha Raisin.
Agatha Raisin Season 5 will be released soon
(updated 11/12/2022)
Although the official air date has not been revealed yet, various reports have stated that a fifth season will be out sometime soon. Probably sometime in 2023.
Season five of Agatha Raisin was first hinted at in December 2020 by series producer Barry Ryan through his Twitter handle. Star Mathew Horne who plays Roy Silver also disclosed the likelihood of a fifth installment in a conversation during the commencement of shooting for season four.
Just before the American premiere of “Agatha Raisin: Love, Lies & Liquor” on February 7, 2022, season five of the program was once again unveiled on the official website Free@Last TV.
With the producers and stars teasing about the upcoming season, fans believed that a fifth season has been perhaps ordered although an official statement is yet to be provided. It is only a matter of days till we get to see the new episodes on our screens and hopefully, we get an official update soon. Stay tuned!
How many episodes could there be in season 5 of Agatha Raisin?
The previous season of Agatha Raisin had a total of 4 episodes. Thus, if the makers decide to follow a similar pattern, the fifth season may also comprise 4 episodes. However, there hasn’t been an official update yet.
Is Agatha Raisin worth watching?
Family Business is an easy-watch, charming and hilariously-funny TV series. It is a British comedy-drama television program. The series is based on M. C. Beaton’s book series of the same name. It is about a former PR agent who solves crime mysteries in the Cotswolds village of Carsely. You should definitely give this series a try!
Will there be a season 6 of Agatha Raisin?
As of yet, there are no updates about Agatha Raisin season 6 as the fifth edition hasn’t premiered yet. Stay connected with us for more updates!