Young Justice is an animated action superhero adventure TV series that originated in America based on a comic book titled “Young Justice” written and illustrated by Todd Dezago, along with Todd Nauck and Lary Stucker. The series is developed by Brandon Vietti alongside Greg Weisman which broadcasts on Cartoon Network with the debut season launched on November 26, 2010.
Although the tithe series shares the same title as the comic book, however, the series is not entirely focused on the said comic book but is inspired by an initial tale established in the DC franchise with a centre on teens and younger superheroes. It features the voices of Jesse McCartney, Khary Payton, Jason Spisak, Nolan North, Danica McKellar, and Stephanie Lemelin.
The series revolves around the lives of young superheroes and sidekicks in their teens who are known as Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Red Arrow, and Artemis. They simply called themselves ‘the team’. The team is a bunch of teenage superheroes that bears a resemblance to the popular adult superheroes squad Justice League but performs outside of the system that restricts the more fixed superhero squad.
The primary background is a fictional universe distant from the last DCAU and other consistent existence during an era in which superheroes are a significantly new phenomenon, and the bad guys have all started up working in a team in a huge conspiracy on behalf of the villain The Light.
The series is very popular among the viewers and many are desperate to know whether or not the show will return with a fifth season. Here’s what we know about it.
Release date of Young Justice season 5: Will Young Justice 5 return in 2024?
After the DC show’s most recent season, Superboy voice actor Nolan North discusses the prospect of a fifth season.
Following the conclusion of Young Justice: Phantoms, often known as season 4, fans were left wondering if the DC animated series would conclude at all.
Many have assumed Young Justice is finished because of all the modifications that Warner Bros. Discovery has been making use of the DC properties in order to prepare for James Gunn’s DC Universe.
While promoting Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part One, director Christopher Nolan—who provides the voices of several characters in the film—was questioned about the status of Young Justice season 5 in an exclusive interview with Screen Rant.
Nolan emphasized that Young Justice has not been canceled even though there hasn’t been a formal renewal for season five. He shared the following:
“We have Warner Brothers representatives on Zoom right now, so let me tell you guys—we can pull this off. We are able to create another season. I’m not aware of that, therefore I’m not sure. I am aware of its success. I’m aware of how much the fans want it.
I wish I knew, but I’m not sure. We were extremely lucky to be able to film seasons three and four in addition to the first two. If you saw season four, you are aware that Superboy had a significant plot, which was a lot of fun. I adore Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti; our banter is unmatched.
They have such a strong love for their tales. So let’s hope that anything gets accomplished. Perhaps later on. There don’t seem to be any plans at this time. However, we always clarify that we haven’t been canceled—we’ve just not been picked up yet. I always feel that way about this show.”
Thus, no one has ever declared categorically that there won’t be any more Young Justice. As of yet, there’s no updates regarding Young Justice season five; do watch out for more updates!
The cast of Young Justice season 5: Who’s in it?
Likely, the core cast members that were seen in the previous seasons of Young Justice are highly expected to return in the forthcoming fifth season which means we’ll get to hear the same voices of Jesse McCartney, Danica McKellar, Nolan North, Khary Payton, and Stephanie Lemelin. Additionally, the new entrances from the previous season known as ‘the Outsiders’, will most probably make a comeback as well.
Keeping aside the other members, it’s unlikely that Wally West would return but nothing is confirmed by the show makers while we’re hoping for Jason Spisak to return in the fifth season. Here are the names of the cast which are expected to be back on the series:
- Dick Grayson a.k.a Nightwing portrayed by Jesse McCartney
- M’gann M’orzz a.k.a Miss Martian enacted by Danica McKellar
- Conner Kent a.k.a Superboy will be played by Nolan North
- Kaldur’ahm a.k.a Aqualad will be played by Khary Payton
- Artemis Crock a.k.a Tigress portrayed by Stephanie Lemelin
- Violet Harper a.k.a Halo will be played by Zehra Fazal
- Victor Stone a.k.a Cyborg will be portrayed by Zeno Robinson
- Brion Markov a.k.a Geo-Force will be played by Troy Baker
- Bruce Wayne a.k.a Batman will be enacted by Bruce Greenwood
- Roy Harper a.k.a Red Arrow will be enacted by Crispin Freeman
- Wally West a.k.a The Flash will be played by Jason Spisak
As for the plot for the fifth season, it will entirely depend on the conclusion of the fourth season part II. Till then wait patiently!