Surviving Summer is an Australian series produced by Werner Film Productions. The series stars Sky Katz. She’s well-recognised from her days at Disney on Raven’s Home. The cast also features Kai Lewins, Lilliana Bowrey, and Savannah La Rain. So far there’s only one season of the series.
Here are all the updates about the potential second season of Surviving Summer, including the release date, cast, trailer details, and other information.
Has Netflix renewed Surviving Summer for season 2?
As of January 2023, Netflix has yet to renew Surviving Summer for season 2. But will it be renewed or cancelled? Well, you can never say anything with Netflix – the chances are always 50/50. Let’s see what beholds the future of the series.
On the production company’s website, they host a blog post that seems to hint at intentions of bringing back the show saying “The production team’s fingers are crossed that Shorehaven will charm viewers as it does Summer and that there will be a second season, ideally with suitable surf.”
In addition, Sky Katz who stars as Summer Torres in the series told The Express:
“Listen, I hope so. It’ll be a bit before that’s determined, but we’re all crossing our fingers.”
On an Instagram post on June 8th, Lilliana Bowrey stated that a decision had yet to be made on the series saying:
“This still hasn’t sunk in yet. If you told 5yr old me that learning to surf would lead me to become an actress in a TV series shown around the world and I would meet my second family and best friends for life I would have never believed it! Thank you so much for all the love and support. I don’t know if there will be a second Season as yet (it’s only been 6 days since release) but if the world keeps watching and loving the show surely there’s a high chance there will be one right?!.”
When is the release date?
Surviving Summer Season 2 isn’t renewed yet. Hence, there’s no release date for now. However, we speculate the series to air by 2023 or later. Let’s await an official confirmation from the makers.
What is Surviving Summer about?
Surviving Summer is an Australian TV series about a rebellious Brooklyn teen. She’s sent to live with family friends in Shorehaven on the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, AUS. Despite her best efforts, Summer falls in love with the town, the people and the surf.
Expelled from school and sent to Australia, a rebel New York teen makes waves among a young surfer’s inner circle — and leaves a mess in her wake.
The Cast
For the second season, we expect the return of almost all the cast members. Here are the main leads:
- Sky Katz as Summer Torres
- Kai Lewins as Ari Gibson
- Lilliana Bowrey as Poppy Tetanui
- Joao Gabriel Marinho as Marlon Sousa
- Savannah La Rain as Bodhi Johnson
Recurring cast members will probably return as well, including
- Chris Alessio as Manu,
- Mitchell Hardaker as Griff Temple, and both
- Dustin Clare and Adrienne Pickering as Ari’s parents.
What to expect from the plot?
In the finale’s last moments we saw how Summer walked through the airport. She looks again at the pictures of her new friends.
Speaking to The Express, former Disney star Sky Katz explained that this “last moment in the show is a visual representation of how much of a release it can be to find yourself. Summer finally feels… something feels right for once in her life. She’s really grateful to have been shown the direction she can go in.”
When asked directly if season two is being discussed, Sky said: “Listen, I hope so. It’ll be a bit before that’s determined, but we’re all crossing our fingers.”
So plot details of course remain scarce beyond that for now, but Sky did also confirm that, “There have been discussions about putting some of my songs in the soundtrack.”
“It never actually played itself out in real life,” she continued, “but hopefully [in] season two there will be more from me, both on the music and the acting. I think a lot of the songs I’m working on would have a role in “Surviving Summer.”
Surviving Summer season 2 trailer
Right now, we don’t have an official trailer for season 2. You may watch the previous season’s trailer down below.
Where to watch Surviving Summer?
You may watch the series Surviving Summer on Netflix.
Will there be Surviving Summer season 3?
Season 2 of the series is yet to be renewed. Hence, there are no updates about Surviving Summer season 3!