The sci-fi action horror anime series was based on a manga series of the same name penned and illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki, ran from the year 1988 to 1995, and was circulated in Morning Open Zokan and Monthly Afternoon by Kodansha. The manga series was at first published in North America by Tokyopop, then changed to Del Rey, and lastly by Kodansha USA.
The manga series gained popularity across Japan and has so far sold over 24 million copies as of December 2020. The manga series also earned the Kodansha Manga Award in the category of general manga in the year 1993 and in 1996 Parasyte won the best manga for the Seiun Award. Two live-action films were adapted for Japan which was released in 2014 and 2015. Madhouse released an animated television series adaptation titled “Parasyte -the maxim-” in Japan and ran from October 2014 till March 2015. The English version was released on Adult Swim’s Toonami TV series in the US from October 2015 to April 2016.
Fast forward to 2022, it’s been a little over seven years since the anime series came out, and fans are wondering if there will be another series. Here’s what we know about it.
Will There Be a Season 2 of Parasyte?
Sadly, it’s been many years and there’s been no word from the creators concerning a Parasyte season 2, and we have to speculate it has been discontinued.
Furthermore, there aren’t enough materials which is the sole reason why a second season was discontinued. The manga series has 10 volumes and 61 chapters. Madhouse entirely covered the existing content in the debut season of the anime series. As of now, the creators have no materials to produce a second season because the author Hitoshi Iwaaki has ceased publishing any new chapters as the story has come to a satisfying end.
However, if Madhouse Studio or any other studio chooses a sequence and a new storyline then perhaps a second season would happen but they’ll have to start from the very beginning and working on a new story before proceeding with the debut season. Therefore, the chances of a second season happening is quite slim.
Parasyte Season 2 Release Date: When is it?
Parasyte debuted on October 9, 2014, and ended on March 29, 2015, consisting of 24 episodes. For Netflix subscribers, all episodes of the anime series were published only in May 2020.
Even though Madhouse has never confirmed a second season, fans are still wondering to this day why a season 2 has not been released. It is because all the materials from the manga series have been used up in the anime series. That explains that it is highly unlikely for the studio to produce a second season due to a shortage of content materials.
The anime is currently on Netflix and if it gains enough success, the giant streamer may update for a second run. But then again, it seems far from impossible since the manga series ceased in 1995. So there is no release date for session 2. However, let’s wait for further announcements from the creators.
The Cast & Characters of Parasyte Season 2
If a second season of Parasyte happens, the following names are expected to return including–
- Adam Gibbs (English); Nobunaga Shimazaki (Japanese) voices Shinichi Izumi
- Brittney Karbowski (English); Aya Hirano (Japanese) will voice Migi
- Luci Christian (English); Kana Hanazawa (Japanese) voices Satomi Murano
- Atsuko Tanaka will be voicing as Ryouko Tamiya
- Miyuki Sawashiro will voice Kana Kimishima
- Hiroyuki Yoshino will voice Uragami
- Kazuhiko Inoue will voice Gotou
Parasyte Season 2 Plot: What to expect?
Parasyte follows high school student Shinichi Izumi, whom a parasitic alien infects. Shinichi loses his right hand to the parasite but keeps his body. Shinichi and the parasite must learn to coexist and combat other parasites trying to take over humanity. Its animation, tension, and exciting characters earned the anime series accolades. However, its violence and grim tone were criticized.
It is extremely difficult to predict the storyline for season 2 of Parasyte because Madhouse Studio, the producer of the anime series, has not provided any update about a second season. In addition, the possibilities of a second season happening are very low because the twenty-four-episode season covered the whole content materials of the manga series. The finale also came to a satisfying conclusion.
However, if on the off chance a second season is produced, fans should expect the main protagonist Shinichi Izumi to explore the world of the parasites. Then again, continuing the story wouldn’t make any sense as it will only ruin its original story but at the same time, it’d be exciting how the story unfolds from here.
Where To Watch Parasyte?
Parasyte -the maxim- is available to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu.
Parasyte Season 2 Will Not Happen
(updated 4/10/2023)
Series creator, Hitoshi Iwaaki, and production studio Madhouse have confirmed that a second season of Parasyte will not happen, citing the absence of source material. The creator of the anime series has already delivered a satisfying ending to the storyline, so fans will not get to see a new season.