Mayo Chiki is a Japanese animated television series based on a light novel inscribed by Hajime Asano. Its illustrator is Seiji Kikuchi. This anime’s first episode was aired on July 7, 2007, and concluded on September 29, 2011, which had a total of 13 episodes. When the first season premiered, it garnered a lot of attention from the audience. Mayo Chiki has a rating of 7/10 on IMDb.
The storyline of the series was quite good enough to excite the fans. The series genre has a little bit of comedy, drama and much more. The story follows Kinjiro who accidentally found out the secret and also the real identity of Subaru. It’s actually very entertaining to watch Kinjiro now that he knows about Subaru’s secret. It’s all up to Kinjiro whether or not to cooperate with others to prevent the secret of Subaru from being discovered.
Now, the real question is, what about season 2? Well, if you want to know more read the post till the end and find out the answers.
Mayo Chiki Season 1: Recap
The series revolves around the lead character Kinjiro Sakamachi voiced by Satoshi Hino (Japanese dub), Blake Shepard (English dub) and Subaru Konoe voiced by Yuka Iguchi (Japanese dub), Genevieve Simmons (English dub).
Kinjiro is in his 2nd year of high school and suffers from a very unusual disorder that causes him to be scared of women. When he was young, his mother used to beat him up. To make him stronger, he used to practice wrestling with his sister.
Here comes the interesting part, one day in school just out of the blue he found out that Subaru Konoe is a woman when he was using the boy’s bathroom.
Subaru is also a high schooler just like Kinjiro. She’s diligent and works for the Suzutsuki family as a butler and has aichmophobia. She’s also the first love of Kanade Suzutsuki (the principal’s only daughter).
Are we getting season 2 of Mayo Chiki?
Although the series was quite popular among the fans, so far we haven’t heard a single word from the creator and Mayo Chiki season 2 has not been renewed as well. The possibility of getting a season 2 is zero to none because the first season was out 15 years ago.
Fans of this series even started an online petition for Mayo Chiki to come back with another season but it all seemed to be a wasted effort since there was no positive response from the show creators.
Do you think the creators will change their minds? We certainly hope so. One thing for sure is that we all love surprises that will make us go ‘Nani.’ But until or unless a miracle happens, this is truly the end of the series though it shatters our ‘Shinzó’ to say this.
In the meantime, you can watch similar genres or rewatch the first season of Mayo Chiki which is available on Funimation or Crunchyroll.