Two years have passed since the formation of mammatus clouds in Argentina which came as a surprising event serving delight to the people lucky enough to spot it. Now, years later, its scenic beauty still lingers in people’s minds. Mammatus Clouds which often appear as little cloud pouches just below the sky are indicators of an impending storm or a heavy rain. The name given to the clouds reference its appearance with ‘mammatus’ standing for ‘breast’ in Latin which is what the clouds resemble in shape. There have been several incidents relating to the occurrence of Mammatus Clouds such as the one reportedly observed in China in 2022. Another reference to the clouds nickname it as “Popcorn” which it also resembles.
The cloud formation in Argentina was observed in November 2021 at Casa Grande which became popular to the world through videos uploaded by the people. One such video was the one which was uploaded by the Youtube channel ‘ViralHog’ which captured the beauty of the mesmerizing occurrence in nature. The Mammatus cloud formation in Argentina was just one such case of nature’s unusual sights relating to clouds.
Nature is deeply rooted in a human’s mind regardless of how distanced civilization becomes from it and with the help of technology, such beautiful moments could be captured. It is also interesting to point out the delight that people seemingly had with the occurrence proving the innate connection that one feels with the Earth. Perhaps the Mammatus cloud formation was nature’s own way of sending a message as to how the simplest of things could often be a thing of beauty to ponder upon. The delight that the people present in Casa Grande experienced over the occurrence is a true indicator of just that and a revisiting of such beautiful instances are much needed to bring us back to nature.