“Jessica Jones” is an American superhero psychological neo-noir crime drama television series heavily inspired by the same name written and illustrated by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos. The series was developed by Melissa Rosenberg and Scoot Reynolds serves as the co-showrunner. Rosenberg originally developed for ABC network in 2010 but later it moved to Netflix in 2013 and made its debut on November 20, 2015, which shows the similarity of one of Marvel’s characters.
Established in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), sharing the consistency to the films of the franchise. This show is a sequence that was spurred as a crossover to “The Defenders” miniseries. It features Krysten Ritter, Mike Colter, Rachael Taylor, Wil Traval, Erin Moriarty, Eka Darville, Carrie-Anne Moss, David Tennant, J. R. Ramirez, Terry Chen, Leah Gibson, Janet McTeer, Benjamin Walker, Sarita Choudhury, Jeremy Bobb, and Tiffany Mack.
The show has generated three seasons in total with the fourth season of “Jessica Jones” highly anticipated by fans around the world. This incredible show is produced by Tall Girls Prod., Marvel Television, and ABC Studios.
With the first season launched in November 2015, the streaming giant greenlit for a second instalment in January 2016 which later premiered on March 8, 2018. Netflix went ahead and renewed the series for a third season run in April 2018 and was released on June 14, 2019. But the most important question is, are we getting another series of “Jessica Jones?” Let’s find out.
Will we get to see the 4th season of “Jessica Jones”? Is it renewed or cancelled?
The third season aired back in June 2019 and it’s been a long wait since then and fans are eagerly looking forward to the 4th season of their favourite superhero, but sadly, there won’t be a fourth season. On February 18, 2019, the streaming giant officially declared that they are axing the series “Jessica Jones” for good, making the third season the final outing and also marking the termination of the streamer’s Marvel Television universe.
Release date of “Jessica Jones” season 4: When is it?
Currently, the series has been cancelled by Netflix so there won’t be a release date nor the fourth season of “Jessica Jones”. It’s disappointing to learn that Netflix cancelled the show despite the success it obtained. In the meantime, you can check for other series similar to “Jessica Jones”.
The Cast of “Jessica Jones” season 4: Who will return?
If the fourth season of the Netflix series happens, fans can expect to see the characters that appeared in the previous two seasons of “Jessica Jones” including—
- Krysten Ritter (as Jessica Jones)
- Mike Colter as Luke Cage
- Rachael Taylor (as Patricia Walker or Trish)
- Will Taraval (as Will Simpson)
- Erin Moriarty (as Hope Shlottman)
- Eka Darville (as Malcolm Ducasse)
- Carrie-Anne Moss( as Jeri Hogarth)
- David Tennant (as Kilgrave)
- J.R Ramirez (as Oscar Arocho)
- Terry Cheng (as Pryce Cheng)
- Leah Gibson (as Inez Green)
- Janet McTeer (as Alisa Jones)
- Benjamin Walker (as Erik Gelden)
- Sarita Choudhury (as Kith Lyonne)
- Jeremy Bobb (as Gregory Sallinger)
- Tiffany Mack (as Zaya Okonjo)
Although Netflix officially cancelled the show, fans remain hopeful to this day but it’s up to the showrunners or Netflix to change their decision and bring back the show. But let’s wait and see how it goes.
What to expect from season 4 of “Jessica Jones”?
If there’s a fourth season of “Jessica Jones”, the story would resume from where the last season ended. Jessica Jones is one of the popular female-led superpowered shows with an excellent well-crafted plot. Her career took off as a superhero until an accident inflicted by Kilgrave drove Jessica to kill someone. After the incident at the subway, she became a confidential investigator.
Jessica will attempt to dissuade the villain Kilgrave from reappearing. The second season showed that her mother is alive owing to the research done by Karl Malus. The last season witnessed a battle between Gregory Sallinger, his malicious objective is to prove that Jessica is a fraudster.
However, as we have previously mentioned the series stands cancelled as per Netflix.