His Dark Materials is a fantasy adventure drama thriller TV series that premiered on 3 November 2019. Based on the trilogy of novels of the same name by Philip Pullman, the storyline of the series follows an orphan lady named Lyra who is on a mission to find her missing friend. She eventually discovers that it was kidnapping and the plot is related to a comic thing called Dust.
It stars Dafne Keen, Ruth Wilson, Anne-Marie Duff, Clarke Peters, James Cosmo, Ariyon Bakare, Will Keen, Lucian Msamati, Gary Lewis, and Lewin Lloyds as the lead star cast.
The series is produced by Laurie Borg in association with Jane Tranter, Dan McCulloch, Otto Bathurst, Carolyn Blackwood, Joel Collins, Toby Emmerich, Deborah Forte, Julie Gardner, Tom Hooper, Ben Irving, Philip Pullman, Ryan Rasmussen, and Jack Thorne as the executive producers of the series.
It is produced by Bad Wolf and New Line Productions, for BBC One and HBO.
Will there be His Dark Materials season 4?
As of December 2022, no official announcement regarding the renewal of the fourth edition of His Dark Materials has been officially declared by HBO and BBC One. As soon as we discover any official confirmation from the makers, we’ll keep you guys updated.
His Dark Materials season 4 Cast
The cast list for the fourth installment of His Dark Materials has been officially ordered by the casting director publicly. However, after a deep research we anticipate to see some of the old faces from previous seasons to be seen in the upcoming installment for sure.
The expected cast members are:
- Dafne Keen will play as Lyra Belacqua
- Ruth Wilson will play as Marisa Coulter
- Anne-Marie Duff will play as Maggie ‘Ma’ Costa
- Clarke Peters will play as The Master of Jordan
- James Cosmo will play as Farder Coram van Texel
- Ariyon Bakare will play as Lord Carlo Boreal
- Will Keen will play as Father Hugh MacPhail
- Lucian Msamati will play as Lord John Faa
- Gary Lewis will play as Thorold
- Lewin Lloyd will play as Roger Parslow
- Daniel Frogson will play as Tony Costa
- James McAvoy will play as Lord will play asriel Belacqua
- Lin-Manuel Miranda will play as Lee Scoresby
- Ruta Gedmintas will play as Serafina Pekkala
- Amir Wilson will play as Will Parry
- Nina Sosanya will play as Elaine Parry
- Jade Anouka will play as Ruta Skadi
- Sean Gilder will play as Father Graves
- Simone Kirby will play as Dr Mary Malone
- Andrew Scott will play as Colonel John Parry
- Georgina Campbell will play as Adele Starminster
- Lia Williams will play as Dr Cooper
- Terence Stamp will play as Giacomo Paradisi
His Dark Materials season 4 Release Date
No official confirmation on the release date of the series is out from the makers end so far. As soon as the makers possibly release anything on the renewal, you’ll be updated from our end. Don’t forget to bookmark to our page.
His Dark Materials: Where To Watch?
You may watch the series on HBO.
His Dark Materials season 4 Trailer
As aforesaid, there has been no news regarding the release of season 4 of His Dark Materials. So, the official trailer for His Dark Materials season 4 isn’t out. Once the production team finalises the renewal date, the trailer will come out to you anytime soon.