West Coast Customs is a reality show-based series that mainly deals with a four-wheeler remaking. It centers on Ryan Friedlinghausm and his team at West Coast Customs as they revamp the basic company model automobiles into remarkable, fully custom-made automobiles.
Upon release, the reality show earned mixed reviews and also has its share of controversy due to its shady work environment. Despite all that, the show has launched a total of eight seasons so far. To be precise, it’s over four years since the last season aired and fans are a little curious about the prospect of the show returning with the ninth instalment. To know more about the upcoming season 9, read the article till the end.
Will there be a West Coast Customs Season 9?
The ninth season of West Coast Customs has yet to be renewed. Season 8 was launched back on November 6, 2017, and ended on April 10, 2018. It was speculated that season 9 was supposed to be out in 2020 but till now, it has not been released or renewed. Moreover, there’s been no word from the show makers. So, it’s hard to assume whether the show will be back with a new season due to the lack of concrete information. But it’s likely that the car remodeling series will be back for more.
Release Date for West Coast Customs Season 9
It appears that season 9 was scheduled for 2020 but because of the pandemic which shook the entertainment industry at the time, hindered the production process, and also one of the crew tested positive which then made it impossible to proceed with production. With things getting much smoother in 2021, film productions were back to normal, and work resumed. New content started releasing since then. However, the show still has not been officially renewed yet. And hence, an air date for season 9 is not announced as of now.
Nonetheless, this does not imply that West Coast Customs is canceled. We assume that the show might be on hiatus. But it is expected that the show will return at some point. Till then wait for further announcements.
The Cast of West Coast Customs Season 9
If Discovery gives the green signal to run for season 9, we expect to see the same cast returning which includes–
- Ryan Friedlinghaus– he is the co-founder of the West Coast Customs, a car remodeling shop and the central cast of the show. Friedlinghaus works alongside his squad at the West Coast Customs.
- Quinton Dodson– He is the other co-founder of West Coast Customs who along with Ryan Friedlinghaus started it in 1994. These two are the central cast members of the car-remodeling show.
In this show, viewers are introduced to new customers in every episode. Sometimes they are just ordinary customers and at times, a well-known celebrity customer shows up or customers from renowned companies.
Renowned companies such as eBay, Skype, Fiat automobiles, and Warner Brothers have also made an appearance on the show. Celebrities like Shaquille O’Neal, Justin Bieber, Mark Wahlberg, and Conan O’Brien have also appeared on the show.
So except for the two central cast members, fans can expect a few new well-known celebrities to appear in the nine seasons as well.
What is the Plot for Season 9 of West Coast Customs
If you have watched the show, you might very well know what this show is about. The show follows on revamping automobiles. The most exciting part of this show is seeing how the automobiles are being remodeled and then the outcome of this whole process. Throughout the whole eight seasons, the duo Ryan and Quinton have modified plenty of automobiles and transformed them into much better, more thrilling, and unique customization for their customers. The other aspect that caught the attention of viewers is the appearance of celebrities and companies. Many people love their automobiles and this show piques their interest. Love for their vehicles only seems to get stronger in time as it gets transformed into a whole new exciting model.
Some of the automobiles that the show features are Jeep, buses, Audi R8s, Toyota Wranglers, Ford Fiestas, Siennas, and Armored Trucks to name a few.
Where to watch West Coast Customs?
You can now watch seasons 1 to 6 on Netflix. Seasons 7 and 8 are available on Fubo Tv.