UnWell is an American documentary series. It premiered on the 12th of August, 2020. The docuseries is directed by Leslie Asako Gladsjo, Abigail Harper, and Danni Mynard. Season 1 had 6 episodes with a run time of 48-59 minutes. The show practically talks about the health and wellness industry. Critics praised the show and audiences liked it, too. Here’s everything you need to know about a potential second season of UnWell, including its release date, plot, trailer details, and more…
Will there be a season 2 of (Un)Well?
UnWell season 1 aired on 12 August, 2020. So far it’s been 2 years and we haven’t heard anything from the makers. As far as the renewal is concerned, we don’t have any updates. The viewership of the series was good, but again, it didn’t get many viewers. Maybe that’s why Netflix hasn’t renewed the series yet. And if that’s the scenario, the show probably won’t be picked up in the future as well. Many people are under the impression that the show has been cancelled. However, there hasn’t been any official confirmation yet. If the makers reveal anything, we will update it here. Stay tuned!
(Un)Well season 2 release date?
As of now, the future of the series remains undecided. As aforesaid, the makers haven’t officially renewed or cancelled the show. Hence, there’s no release date for season 2 yet.
(Un)Well season 2 plot: What can we expect from the storyline?
The series focuses on revealing certain practices. Health practices that assure benefits and disadvantages. UnWell is a great series for digging deep into the wellness industry. In the first season, each episode covered a certain practice. In total, it only covered 6 topics. Hence, it had 6 episodes.
The series introduces a variety of people. They uncover how these practices work. Certain experts reveal the truth behind this industry. They also share the stories of people who have used it to make changes in their lifestyles. You can watch the series yourself to decide if it’s even worth trying. It reveals facts and stories to educate the viewers.
Every other person in the group uses a certain product. They use it with full faith that it will provide them with the actual benefit. But does that even happen? The series is entirely based on this. As far as season 2’s plot is concerned, there are no updates. The show hasn’t been renewed and
How many episodes will there be in (Un)Well season 2?
(Un)Well season 1 had a total of 6 episodes. Hence, if the makers decide to follow a similar pattern, season 2 will also comprise 6 episodes. However, nothing’s official yet.
(Un)Well Season 2 Trailer
Right now, we don’t have an official season 2 trailer. We are still waiting for the announcement from Netflix. Watch the previous season’s trailer down below.