Conceived and penned by Prashant Nair and Kevin Luperchio, Trial By Fire is an Indian Hindi-language crime drama web series based on Trial by Fire: The Tragic Tale of the Uphaar Fire Tragedy written by authored by Neelam Krishnamoorthy and Shekhar Krishnamoorthy. Helmed by Nair alongside Randeep Jha. Trial by Fire made its debut on January 13, 2023. The series features Ashish Vidyarthi, Abhay Deol, Anupam Kher, Rajshri Deshpande, Rajesh Tailang, Ratna Pathak, Shilpa Shukla, Shardul Bharadwaj, to name a few.
Upon release, the series earned positive reviews from the audience and critics alike. Now here arises a question, whether or not the series will be back for a second season. We have provided all the information below:
Trial by Fire Season 2: Is it Renewed or Canceled?
As of now, the series has not been renewed yet and since the series has also not been canceled, there’s a possibility that Trial by Fire would be back for another round considering the popularity of the series although it is uncertain when the shoemakers will make an official announcement concerning the renewal status.
Trial by Fire Season 2 Release Date: When is it?
As mentioned above, the series renewal confirmation is not announced. Hence, there is no air date for the second season of Trial by Fire. The first season was released on January 13, 2023. So hopefully, we get an announcement soon as fans are anxiously waiting for the series to return with a second season.
So on the off chance, the series gets greenlit, it is expected the series would arrive sometime in 2024 at the earliest.
The Cast of Trial by Fire Season 2: Who’s in it?
Cast details have not been shared for now but here are the names of the cast who appeared in the first season of Trial by Fire.
- Abhay Deol in the role of Shekhar Krishnamoorthy
- Rajshri Deshpande will portray the character of Neelam Krishnamoorthy
- Abhishek Sharmain the role of Ujjwal
- Ashish Vidyarthi will illustrate Neeraj Suri
- Anupam Kher will portray Captain Hardeep Bedi
- Ratna Pathak Shah in the role of Mrs. Bedi
- Atul Kumar will be back as Mahesh Karve
- Ivan Rodrigues in the character of Abhishek
- Sidharth Bhardwaj will illustrate Mr. Arora
- Shilpa Shukla in the role of Shalini
- Rajesh Tailang will be back as Veer Singh
- Nimisha Nair in the character of Amrita Singh
- T. M. Karthik in the role of Minister
- Punit Tiwari in the character of Veer
- Shardul Bharadwaj in the role of Umesh
- Akanksha Vishwakarma would be back as a female AVUT member
- Chetan Sharma in the character of Chirag
- Jaspal Sharma will portray the role of Hari
- Abhinav Jha will play Rupesh
- Kiran Sharma in the role of Sarla
Plot Details For Season 2 of Trial by Fire
Because the series has not been renewed, there are no plot details for season two of Trial by Fire. However, it is expected the series will continue from where the first season left off. Aside from that nothing is known. Further announcements are awaited.