Directed by Chris Sweeney, ‘The Tourist’ is a thriller drama TV series penned by Harry Williams and Jack Williams. The series was aired on January 1, 2022 on BBC One in the United Kingdom, the following day on Stan in Australia, and it was launched on March 3, 2022 on HBO Max in the United States. The series is being distributed globally by All3Media. It stars Jamie Dornan, Danielle Macdonald, Shalom Brune-Franklin, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Genevieve Lemon, Alex Dimitriades, and Damon Herriman.
Following the success of the sixth episode first season, fans are anxious to find out whether or not BBC will greenlight the series for another season. Indeed there are many questions left unanswered as the final left the viewers on a major left cliffhanger. Hopefully, we’ll get to see more of it.
Speaking with Radio in an exclusive interview, actor Jamie Dornan reveals that there seems to be a great demand for a sequel.
“I guess it’s a little bit open-ended with the end, people still have questions,” he said. “Obviously we had good plans for it, wanted it, but the response to it, as you know, has been insane and the amount of people [who have] watched it, and the love for it is very real.
“I saw something the other day that they said that there’s talk of… they’d be looking into how they could do a second series of it if there is a want, and it seems there is a want,” he added.
“So who knows, the plan was only ever to play The Man once, but we’ll see.”
Here’s what we know about season 2 of The Tourist.
Will There Be a Season 2 of The Tourist?
Yes, The Tourist season 2 was officially renewed in March 2022.
Before the season 2 renewal announcement, actor Jamie Dornan who plays Elliot Stanley disclosed that he only signed up for a single season, notifying EW that the series did not have any plan for a second season.
“That wasn’t the plan, to be honest,” he said. “We all signed up for one. [But] The Fall was meant to be one series. There was big demand for The Fall, obviously, and we did a couple more [seasons]. In the UK and Ireland and Australia, and anywhere it’s been so far, people seem to love The Tourist, so who knows? I know conversations are being had. So we’ll see what we get to, but I would love to.”
Dornan’s co-star Danielle Macdonald who plays Constable Helen Chambers, also expressed her interest in doing another season of the thriller series.
“It was always meant to be, like, one and done,” she explained. “Then it did very well in the UK and people were like, ‘Season 2!’ So I have no idea. I mean, if the brothers are open to it, I am definitely open to it, because I had a lot of fun with this character. I guess we’ll see.”
The Tourist Season 2 Release Date: When is it?
Although the show is renewed for a second season, there is no official announcement for the release date. The first season was released on January 1, 2022. So if we have to predict an air date, the new season is expected to arrive at the end of 2022 or in early 2023.
The Cast of The Tourist Season 2: Who will return?
The cast who are expected to return this season includes:
- Jamie Dornan in the lead role as The Man/Elliot Stanley
- Danielle Macdonald will play Constable Helen Chambers
- Shalom Brune-Franklin plays Luci Miller/Victoria
- Genevieve Lemon will act as Sue
- Danny Adcock will be back as Ralph
- Damon Herriman plays Detective Inspector Lachlan Rogers
- Alex Andreas portrays Dimitri Panigiris
- Maria Mercedes plays Freddie Lanagan
- Michael Ibbotson plays Peter the Policeman
- Kamil Ellis depicts Sergeant Rodney Lammon
It’s highly unlikely that Ólafur Darri Ólafsson (as Billy Nixon) and Alex Dimitriades (as Kosta Panigiris) will return in the second season as their characters were killed off in the first season.
The Tourist Season 2 Plot: What to expect?
Plot details are not revealed but it is anticipated that the second season will continue the story from where the previous season left off as it ended on a cliffhanger. So we expect season two to proceed at a similar pace.