Groundbreaking, engaging, and entertaining competition series, The Quest revolves around eight real-life teenagers (Paladins) in the wonderful and fictional world of Everealm. The Paladins need to redeem a kingdom by fulfilling an ancient prophecy. Will they be able to accomplish it? If yes, what will happen next that will take the audience by surprise?
After almost eight years, The Quest is returning to TV – catch up on all the updates regarding its second season below!
What is The Quest about?
The Quest series’ storyline revolves around a magical land of powerful creatures and unrivaled beauty. But now, this beautiful land is threatened by an evil Sorceress. To prevent her dictatorship, the noble Fates summon eight strangers (Paladins) from the world beyond, so they can work together, fulfill an ancient prophecy and defeat the Sorceress. The Paladins must unfasten the hero within as there will be a sea of challenges and the evil Sorceress herself waiting for them. If they fail, all will be lost; but if they win, the land shall remain.
Will The Quest season 2 be renewed or canceled?
Last year, a teaser was released on April 2nd, announcing the premiere date for The Quest season 2. Disney+ has reportedly renewed the series in 2022, and new episodes are expected to premiere in 2023. Let’s await more information from the makers – stay tuned!
Who’s going to return for season 2 of The Quest? (Cast)
For the second season cast of The Quest, we can expect the return of all the previous characters. We can expect the following:
- Emily Gateley will return as Mila,
- Elliott Ross will return as Prince Cederic,
- Braeden De La Garza will revive his role as Prince Emmett,
- Racquel Jean-Louis will return as Princess Adaline.
What to expect from the plot of The Quest season two?
The plot of The Quest season two will be linked with the previous season’s end, where every realm was a land of power and unparalleled beauty – but now an evil Sorceress has been threatening the land. To get everything back, eight strangers (better referred to as Paladins) were invited to establish the ancient proxies and conquer the evil Sorceress.
The Paladins must encounter challenges and put their limits to restore the balance of Everealm – but if they fail, they shall never get their kingdom back. The second season storyline of The Quest will continue from where the previous season left off. However, due to a lack of information, we cannot provide exact details – stay connected with us for more updates!
Is The Quest worth watching?
“The Quest” is an immersive series that encompasses the most surreal elements of scripted and unscripted content, formulating a fantasy world that collides with a fully-realized world of adventure. The characters are interesting, and the storyline is driven, making it worth watching.
Is there a trailer yet?
No, as of yet, the trailer for The Quest season 2 is yet to be released. For the time being, you may watch the previous season’s trailer down below:
Where to watch The Quest?
The Quest is available to watch on Disney +.
Will there be a season 3 of The Quest?
No updates yet!