The Oval is an American political drama and daily soap opera TV series that aired on October 23, 2019, on BET. Created by Tyler Perry, the storyline of the series follows: “lives of a family placed in the White House by people of power, while also highlighting the personal side and everyday lives of the staff who run its inner workings.”
It stars Ed Quinn, Kron Moore, Paige Hurd, Daniel Croix Henderson, Javon Johnson, Ptosha Storey, Vaughn W. Hebron, Teesha Renee, Lodric Collins, Ciera Payton, Taja V. Simpson, Walter Fauntleroy, Brad Benedict, Travis Cure, Matthew Law, Bill Barrett, and Derek A. Dixon as the star casts.
The series is produced by Tyler Perry Studios alongside Tyler Perry, Michelle Sneed, and Mark E. Swinton as the executive producer.
Will there be The Oval Season 4?
The fourth edition of the series is already announced by the makers and the makers are still releasing its episode. All in all the fourth season of The Oval has been officially released on Bet Network.
The Oval Season 4 Cast
Here are the list of cast members for the upcoming installment:
- Ed Quinn will play as Hunter Franklin
- Kron Moore will play as Victoria Franklin
- Paige Hurd will play as Gayle Franklin
- Daniel Croix Henderson will play as Jason Franklin
- Javon Johnson will play as Richard Hallsen
- Ptosha Storey will play as Nancy Hallsen
- Vaughn W. Hebron will play as Bartholomew “Barry” Hallsen
- Teesha Renee will play as Sharon
- Lodric Collins will play as Donald Winthrop
- Ciera Payton will play as Lilly Winthrop
- Taja V. Simpson will play as Priscilla Owens
- Walter Fauntleroy will play as Sam Owen
- Brad Benedict will play as Kyle Flint
- Travis Cure will play as Bobby
- Matthew Law will play as Kareem Richardson
- Bill Barrett will play as Max Carter
- Derek A. Dixon will play as Dale
- Nick Barrotta will play as Allan
- Kaye Singleton will play as Simone
- Russell Thomas will play as Eli
- Melissa L. Williams will play as Ruth Truesdale/Denise Truesdale
- Russell Charles Pitts will play as Picky/Leon
- Maurii Davenport will play as Lindsay Yuma
- Ashley Monique Harper will play as Jean Peterson
- Yvonne Senat Jones will play as Tally
- Natasha Ward will play as Ellie Lyles
- Gillian White will play as Diane Wilmont
- Janee Michelle will play as Maude
- Donna Feldman will play as Dr. Meadows
The Oval Season 4 Release Date
The series has already been released by the makers. The Oval Season 4 was released on October 11, 2022, on BET network.
The Oval: Where To Watch?
You may watch the series on BET.
The Oval Season 4 Trailer
What are you guys waiting for hurry up and watch the trailer of the fourth season on YouTube. Yes, you guys guessed it right the trailer for the upcoming installment has already been released by the production and it’s currently available on YouTube.
As soon as anything regarding the series gets out, we’ll be the first one to inform you guys. Stay tuned!