The Murder Tapes is an American crime thriller movie that debuted on August 28, 2019 (United States). Produced by Blackfin, the series follows: “Homicide investigations unfold through taped footage in Investigation Discovery’s true-crime series The Murder Tapes. The series provides an up-close perspective of murder cases, including footage from the initial crime scene investigations via body cam, home security tapes, and interrogation room tapes. The footage is interwoven with present-day interviews from friends, family and law enforcement directly involved in the investigations.”
Will there be Season 9 of The Murder Tapes?
As of November 2022, the Blackfin production company has not announced any official confirmation on the renewal of the upcoming installment. As soon as anything regarding the series gets out, we’ll be the first one to inform you guys. Stay tuned!
The Murder Tapes Season 9 Cast
The last eight seasons of The Murder Tapes were stacked will an outstanding cast. The series was in talks due to its top-notch cast selection – as the casting directors did a fantastic job in finding well-suited characters.
In addition, the artist did an amazing job as a cast member. Moreover, the cast of the upcoming season is not yet finalized. As of now, there hasn’t been any official confirmation from Blackfin either.
However, keeping the finale episode of season 8 in mind, we can anticipate seeing some of the cast reappear in the next chapter.
- Dave DeAndrea will be Narrator
- Brent Melton will play as Det., Evansville IN Police Department (ret.), Self-Lead Det., Evansville IN Police Department (3 episodes, 2021-2022)
- Rob LaColla Jr. will play David Kinney, Detective Frazier
- Rachel Discenza-Smith will play as Det., Farmington NM Police Department
- Jason Simpkins will play as Det., Blytheville AR Police Department
- Frank Tomlinson will play Det., Sandoval County NM Sheriff’s Office
- Sara Hooe will play as Crime Scene Ofc., Evansville IN Police Department, Self – Det., Evansville IN Police Department
- Keith Whitler will play as Det., Evansville IN Police Department, Self – Det., Evansville IN Police Department (ret.)
- Tony Starvaggi will play as Det. Sgt., Akron OH Police Department
- Nya Bowman will play as Bianca Rainer
- Jarod Lindsey will play as Jasper Perry
- Vic Noto will play as Murderer Harold Bennett
- Roger Hervas will play as Roderick White
- Dwayne R Grant will play as Garry James
- Scott Fowler will play as Detective Daniel Toner
- Al Dubinsky will play as Duane Mulligan
- Abbey Dubin will play as Detective Jenny Belluccia
- Josh D’Agostino will play as Detective Torino
- Orly Shemesh will play as Michelle Kinney
- Justin Stair will play as Cpl., Dubuque IA
The Murder Tapes Season 9 Release Date
The first season of the series, The Murder Tapes Season 9. It consists of a total of 96 episodes in it’s last 8 seasons, each 25-35 minutes long.
Coming back to the release date: No official confirmation regarding the release date of the upcoming installment of the series is released as of now. But, few sources state that season 9 might be released in Jan 2023.
We will update the renewal status & release date as soon as they are announced officially. Stay Tuned!
The Murder Tapes Season 9 Trailer
As of now, there is no mention of the The Murder Tapes Season 9, nor the series being renewed, to date. For the time being, you may watch the previous season trailer of The Murder Tapes’.