Conceived by Victor Sierra and Xosé, “The Longest Night” is a Spanish crime thriller drama series for Netflix that premiered on July 8, 2022. It is being produced by LaZona. Filming took place in 2021 in Madrid and Aranjuez. The series is directed by Oscar Pedraza alongside Moises Ramos. It features Luis Callejo, Alberto Ammann and Bárbara Goenaga, among others.
Upon release, the six-episode season with each episode running time for around forty five minutes long was received with positive reviews from the audience and critics alike. Fans who have binge-watched the first season are wondering if there’ll be a second season of this horror series since it is considered a mini-series. Here’s what we know about The Longest Night Season 2.
What is “The Longest Night” About?
Netflix’s official synopsis reads: “Armed forces surround a psychiatric prison in order to abduct an incarcerated serial killer — but aren’t prepared for the battle that ensues.”
The series follows an infamous serial killer named Simon Lago (Luis Callejo) also known as “The Alligator,” who is put behind bars in the Monte Baruca psychiatric lockup.
Will There Be a Season 2 of The Longest Night?
As of now, neither the showrunners nor the cast members of the show have said anything about a new season. It makes sense because since the series was newly launched, it will probably take a while before another season is renewed.
Moreover, Netflix will decide on the series renewal based on the first season’s performance and viewership. However, fans need not lose hope as a second season is mostly likely on the cards.
The Longest Night Season 2 Release Date: When is it?
As per various speculations and based on responses received, it appears that viewers want a second season. It’s mostly because the first season ended on a major cliffhanger and it’s apparent why viewers are looking forward to the second season of this series.
Nevertheless, the series was just released on July 8, 2022, on Netflix consisting of a total of six episodes and fans need to wait for some time for the renewal announcement.
It’s also difficult to predict an exact release date especially when there is no concrete information concerning the second season but we could see the new episodes by Spring or Summer 2023. Until then, here’s to hoping the show gets greenlit for a second installment.
The Cast of The Longest Night Season 2: Who will Return?
The list of cast members expected to return in season 2 includes–
- Alberto Ammann will play Hugo Roca
- Luis Callejo in the role of Simón Lago
- José Luis García Pérez will play the role of Lennon
- Bárbara Goenaga plays Elisa Montero
- Maria Caballero portrays Laura
- Xabier Deive depicts Bastos
- Daniel Albaladejo in the role of Cherokee
- Roberto Álamo plays the character Ruso
- Laia Manzanares plays Sara
- Cecilia Freire illustrates Manuela
- Adolfo Fernández plays Dr Espada
The Longest Night Season 2 Plot: Storyline Expectations
If season 2 returns, it will explore deeper into the mystery, but one thing for sure is that fans hope to see that Laura is safe. It is most likely considering that Rosa and Andres have a treatment for her but we can not be too certain about it as we all know the show loves to twist things around.
However, the story will most certainly take off from where the previous season ended. There are many things to find out in season 2 and we can only hope that it gets renewed. Fingers crossed!
Where To Watch “The Longest Night”?
The Longest Night Season 1 is available to watch on Netflix.
Stay tuned for more updates on season 2 of The Longest Night.