Conceived by Paul Neafcy for Netflix and developed by Jesse Cleverly, Sarah Mattingley along with Neafcy, ‘The Last Bus’ is a British science-fiction adventure TV series that premiered on April 2022 on Netflix. The series features Moosa Mostafa, Phoebe De Silva, and Lauryn Ajufo.
The first season of The Last Bus was directed by Lawrence Gough alongside Drew Casson, Steve Hughes, and Nour Wazzi.
About the Show
Netflix’s official synopsis reads: “After embarking on a life-changing field trip, a group of whip-smart students fights to save humanity from an army of ruthless drones.”
Upon release, the series received mixed to outstanding reviews after its first season. The young energetic cast’s performance, the compelling storyline, and the visually pleasing CGI effects all earned great reviews. If you have already seen the first season and are now wondering whether the series will be back for another series then we’ve got you covered.
Here’s everything we know regarding season 2 of The Last Bus.
Will there be a Season 2 of The Last Bus?
It’s unclear whether Netflix will bring back the series for a second season but given the audience reactions and the overall viewerships it obtained, it’s most likely that season 2 is definitely on the cards. Without a doubt, the debut season was a huge success but on the other hand, Netflix can be quite unpredictable and is notoriously known for making sudden decisions like canceling popular shows leading to fans’ disappointments. So fingers crossed that everything goes well for The Last Bus and we’re hopeful that a second season will be produced.
When is the Release Date for Season 2 of The Last Bus?
The first season of The Last Bus was released on April 1, 2022, on Netflix. It comprises a total of 10 episodes with each episode running for 30 to 40 minutes. The list of episodes is–
- Episode 1: Ignition
- Episode 2: Escape
- Episode 3: Home
- Episode 4: School
- Episode 5: Chase
- Episode 6: Funfair
- Episode 7: Orb
- Episode 8: Truth
- Episode 9: Lost
- Episode 10: Family
When it comes to the release date for season 2, nothing is known at all. The show’s producers and Netflix execs have not revealed anything so far concerning the second installment of the series.
Nevertheless, Netflix still hasn’t renewed The Last Bus for season 2 yet and it’ll probably take a while before they announce the renewal status and the official release date. So if this series proves to be very popular among the audience, chances are high for a second installment to be produced, and on the off chance, if the giant streamers give the green signal our best guess is that the series will hit our screens sometime in 2023.
The Cast of The Last Bus Season 2
The official cast line is not announced but it is expected the majority of the characters will be back in the second season if renewed which includes–
- Moosa Mostafa will once again return as Nasir Roman
- Pheobe De Silva in the role of Sophie Roman
- Daniel Frogson will portray his character as Tom Little
- Lauryn Ajufo will play the role of Misha Morris
- Marlie Morrelle will reprise her role as Chelsea
- Nathanael Saleh will be acting as Joshua Collins
- Carys John in the character of Bethan Conner
- Curtis Kantsa will be back as Danny Adeyemi
- Robert Sheehan will reprise his role as Dalton Monkhouse
- Tom Basden will return as Mr. Short
- Lara McDonnell in the role of Lucy Monkhouse
In the forthcoming season 2, it is highly expected that new actors will be joining to make the story more interesting.
The Last Bus Season 2 Plot: What can we expect?
The storyline for the upcoming second season is not revealed nor have there been any concrete details disclosed by the showrunners and because of the lack of information, we cannot predict what would happen in the next season but the story will likely be picked from where it was left off. This means Lucy might perhaps find a way out to somehow obtain the Nexus Key from the heroes in the second season.
The characters will possibly discover one of the slumbering facilities and will try to awake the unconscious victims. Monkhouse will attempt to recover the Nexus Key and launch the orbs while also running after the heroes.
Where to watch The Last Bus?
Season 1 of The Last Bus consisting of 10 episodes is now available to watch on Netflix.