Hawkeye is an upcoming American TV series created by Jonathan Igla who also serves as the lead writer and with Rhys Thomas as the lead director. The tv series is set to premiere on the streaming platform Disney+, established on Marvel Comics of the same name. Hawkeye will be the fifth television series in the MCU produced by Marvel Studios.
Hawkeye was initially declared way back in the spring of 2019 and was formally confirmed by Marvel Studios at the San Diego Comic-Con of the same year. After many months of delays, production commenced on the MCU series. In the upcoming series, Hawkeye will be accompanied by new characters along with Kate on his next journey and together they will take down the next infamous villain.
Here’s what we know about the upcoming series on Disney plus, including its release date, and more.
How many episodes Do Hawkeye consist of?
Hawkeye will follow the traditions of all the other previous Marvel shows and will be broadcasted every week on Disney+. It will consist of six episodes in total at the most.
Hawkeye Release Date: When is it?
Hawkeye, one of the most anticipated series from the MCU franchise finally has an official air date and it’s arriving on November 24, 2021.
The release date was announced this summer along with the first official pictures from the Disney+ series, revealing Clint Barton and Kate Bishop in a workout room adorned with Christmas sparkles.
#Hawkeye never misses 🏹 so don’t miss @JeremyRenner and @HaileeSteinfeld in this @EW exclusive first-look of Marvel Studios’ Hawkeye. The Original Series starts streaming Wednesday, November 24 on @DisneyPlus. pic.twitter.com/8DnB18oSIk
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) July 29, 2021
The Upcoming Cast of the Hawkeye TV series
Hawkeye will introduce some new characters and of course, we will once again see our beloved hero and former Avenger Clint Barton wielding his archer. Here are the names of the cast who will appear in the upcoming tv series including Jeremy Renner (as Clint Barton / Hawkeye), Hailee Steinfeld (as Kate Bishop / Hawkeye), Vera Farmiga (as Eleanor Bishop and Kate’s mother), Fra Fee (as Kazi), Tony Dalton (as Jack Duquesne), Zahn McClarnon (as William Lopez), Alaqua Cox (as Maya Lopez / Echo), and Florence Pugh (as Yelena Belova / Black Widow).
The other cast members also include Ava Russo (as Lila), Ben Sakamoto (as Cooper), and Cade Woodward (as Nathaniel) will be reprising their roles.
The Plot
As per reports by Variety, the Hawkeye series will mainly focus on Clint Barton and his next successor, Kate Bishop. The tv series is interpreted as an “adventure series” as Clint will “pass the torch to Kate Bishop.”
Hawkeye is also foreseen to explore Clint’s duration as the bloodthirsty anti-hero Ronin during the five years in the Avengers: Endgame when his family disappeared with the snap.
According to speculations, Hawkeye will likely lose his hearing, which preps the entrance of Clown, a villain who injured Clint with many arrows and eternally harmed his eardrums. Variety also reported that a new character, Kazi will emerge in the series, giving credence to Clown as one of the series major villains.
The Hawkeye official trailer is out! You can watch the trailer below: