The Great Christmas Light Fight which was originally named Lights, Camera, Christmas! in development is an American TV reality show. Judged by Michael Moloney, Sabrina Soto, Carter Oosterhouse, and Taniya Nayak, the show premiered on December 9, 2013, on ABC for the first time. It has been nine years since the TV reality show has been running, and so far the show has completed a total of nine successful seasons. All the seasons turned out to be huge and the fandom of the show is getting bigger every year.
In this article, we’ll uncover all the questions regarding the upcoming season of Great Christmas Light Fight, including its release date, cast, and other updates.
Will there be The Great Christmas Light Fight Season 10?
On November 1, 2019, the series was renewed for an eighth season which premiered on December 9, 2020. On December 10, 2020, the series was renewed for a ninth season which premiered on November 28, 2021. As of November 2022, there has not been any official confirmation regarding the renewal of the tenth season. As soon as anything regarding the series gets out, we’ll be the first one to inform you guys. Stay tuned!
The Great Christmas Light Fight Season 10 Release Date
The first and second installments of The Great Christmas Light Fight aired on December 9, 2013, and December 8, 2014 respectively on ABC network. While the last and ninth chapter of the series aired on November 28, 2021, and ended on December 2, 2021.
Since December 2, 2021, there has not been official confirmation from the makers regarding the renewal of the tenth season. However, as per the leaks, the show’s filming has already begun, and it would probably be wrapped by the end of 2022. Having said that, we can expect season 10 to be released in the middle of 2023.
Also, The Great Christmas Light Fight seasons 1-9 comprised 6 episodes each. Likewise, we can expect season 10 to have 6 episodes. As soon as we receive more information, we will publish ‘em in our upcoming articles. Make sure you have subscribed to us!
The Great Christmas Light Fight: Where To Watch?
All the seasons of The Great Christmas Light Fight are now available to stream on ABC. Make sure you have a subscription to ABC. It will cost you $4.99 a month in the US after a 7-day free trial and is available on most major streaming services, including Netflix.
The Great Christmas Light Fight Season 10 Trailer
It has been a year since the makers released any official update on the series’ renewal. Also, no official trailer for the tenth season of The Great Christmas Light Fight has been aired yet. Generally, the trailer gets out 1 or 2 months before the release of the season itself.
Till then you can watch previous seasons of this series, if you are curious about where to find The Great Christmas Light Fight online, you may visit ABC network.