Developed by Andrew W. Marlowe and Terri Edda Miller, “The Equalizer” is an American action crime drama TV series that was released on February 7, 2021, on CBS. The series is the 2nd reboot of the franchise following the events of the 2014 movie and its sequels which were released in 2018 and 2023 and is a reboot of the series (1982-1989) with the exact title.
The Equalizer is co-conceived by executive producers Richard Lindheim, Michael Sloan, and Queen Latifah, who also plays the titular role. Other executive producers include John Davis, John Fox, Debra Martin Chase, Andrew Marlowe, and Terri Miller.
The series has so far launched a total of three seasons with the fourth season set to premiere sometime this year. Meanwhile, a fifth season has not even been announced yet. Regardless, we have compiled all the details that you need to know.
Will There Be a Fifth Season of The Equalizer
Currently, there is no word concerning the fifth season of The Equalizer. It might be because the series is gearing up to return with its fourth season and once it’s been released, fans might get an official update from the makers about the next season. So hence, season 5 is still yet to be renewed but a new season will likely happen.
The Equalizer Season 5 Release Date
As stated earlier, the series has not been renewed for a 5th season for now. Moreover, season four still hasn’t been released yet. Season one arrived on February 7, 2021, and ended on May 23, 2021. The second season was released on October 10, 2021, and ended on May 15, 2022. The third season was launched on October 2, 2022, and ended on May 21, 2023.
However, if we have to make a guess, fans might get to see season 4 towards the end of 2023 followed by the fifth season (if confirmed) somewhere in 2024 at the earliest.
The Cast of The Equalizer Season 5
Cast details for season 5 of The Equalizer have not been revealed. However, we expect most of the cast to reprise their roles including:
- Queen Latifah in the role of Robyn McCall, a.k.a. “The Equalizer”
- Tory Kittles in the character of Marcus Dante
- Adam Goldberg will play Harry Keshegian
- Liza Lapira will portray Melody “Mel” Bayani
- Laya DeLeon Hayes in the role of Delilah
- Lorraine Toussaint in the role of Viola “Aunt Vi” Marsette
- Chris Noth will be back as William Bishop
In addition to that, fans can also expect to see new characters in season five of The Equalizer.
What Can We Expect From Season 5 of The Equalizer?
Plot details have not been revealed as of now. It is also not known what we can expect in the fifth season since season four is yet to be released. But most likely, the story will continue from where it left off. Until then, wait for further announcements.