The Canterville Ghost is a comedy horror series based on the 1887 short story of the exact title by Oscar Wilde which is a British BBC Studios and American BYUtv TV series that premiered in October 2021. Considered a miniseries, the four-part series was screen played by Jude Tindall and directed by Paul Gibson alongside Suri Krishnamma. The series stars Tom Graves, Joe Graves, and Caroline Catz.
Over a year since the first season dropped, fans are curious to learn whether the mini-series has any chance of returning with a new season sometime in the future, and as far as it goes, the prospect of the show returning with season two seems pretty bleak.
Here’s what we know about season 2 of The Canterville Ghost.
Is Season 2 of The Canterville Ghost Renewed or Canceled?
As of January 2023, the series has not been renewed yet. According to reports, the creators had no intentions of producing a follow-up since it is originally deemed as a mini-series. Most mini-series wrap the entire story in a single season and normally don’t go beyond the first season unless for a few shows. And unfortunately, it looks like fans would have to look for another show as The Canterville Ghost will not be back with a second season.
The Canterville Ghost Season 2 Release Date
The first season of The Canterville Ghost Season 2 was released on October 31, 2021. As mentioned earlier, the series will not be back for another season. Although the series was not officially canceled the fact that it was originally considered a miniseries makes it clear that the horror comedy was only meant for a single-season series and not beyond that.
The Cast of The Canterville Ghost Season 2 Release Date
Here’s the full list of the cast members and the characters they portrayed in The Canterville Ghost.
- Caroline Catz in the role of Lucy Otis
- Fred Fergus played ed the role of Viscount Ralph Stilton
- Tom Graves in the role of Theodore Otis
- Joe Graves portrayed Franklin Otis
- Haydn Gwynne played Lady Deborah de Canterville
- Anthony Head played Sir Simon de Canterville
- Jack Bardoe played The Honorable Cecil Canterville
- James Lance in the role of Hiram Otis
- Carolyn Pickles played Mrs. Umney
- Jeff Rawle played Duke George ‘Bluey’ Stilton
- Charlotte Robinson portrayed Charity Lovell
- Harriette Robinson played Patience Lovell
- Harry Taurasi in the role of Django Lovell
- Laurel Waghorn played Virginia Otis
Plot Details For The Canterville Ghost Season 2
The Canterville Ghost will not return for the second season. Hence, plot details are not available. However, you can take a look at the first season’s official synopsis.
“Set in leafy 21st century rural England, The Canterville Ghost sees American tech billionaire Hiram Otis buy Canterville Chase, unaware that the contents include a malevolent family ghost, Sir Simon de Canterville, who has been haunting the premises for centuries. Or that his family will face the full might of the English aristocracy: united in opposition to the parvenu Americans.
“The contemporary reimagining of the classic Oscar Wilde comedy revolves around three families – the aristocratic Cantervilles, the Romani Lovells, and the American Otises – who must come together to find redemption and heal the past.”