Broadcasting on the CBS network, The Amazing Race is a reality competition game show presented by Phil Keoghan. The game show features 11 or 12 teams of pairs taking part in the racing challenge around the globe vying for the ultimate prize of $1 million.
In the 33rd season, the racing squads kicked off their exploration in January 2020 but had to stop filming because of the pandemic and commenced in the fall of 2021. During their journeys, they explore locations like Scotland, London, France, Greece, Los Angeles, Switzerland, and Portugal.
The names of the participants who appeared in the 33rd season of The Amazing Race are—
- Akbar Cook Sr. and Sheridan Cook
- Anthony Sadler and Spencer Stone
- Arun Kumar and Natalia Kumar
- Caro Viehweg and Ray Gantt
- Connie and Sam
- Kim and Penn
- Marianela “Lulu” and Marissa “Lala”
- Michael Norwood and Armonde “Moe” Badger
- Raquel Moore and Cayla Platt
- Ryan Ferguson and Dusty Harris
- Taylor Green-Jones and Isaiah Green-Jones.
Developed by Elise Doganieri and Bertram van Munster, who also serves as executive producer alongside Jonathan Littman. The Amazing Race show is generated by Earthview, Incorporations, Jerry Bruckheimer Television, CBS Studios, and ABC Signature.
The show received notable acclaim like winning the Primetime Emmy Award in 2003 for the category of Outstanding Reality-Competition. It has managed to win 10 out of 15 nominations; it has won various awards and recognition. Although the show has shifted around multiple time slots since the beginning, the show has accumulated around ten million spectators each season.
Will CBS renew The Amazing Race for season 34?
Normally the show releases two seasons in a year or just one season and they have been following that timeline religiously until Covid-19 happened and there was a gap of over a year but the show returned with the 33rd season in January 2022 which is currently airing.
In September 2021, Thom Sherman, CBS senior EVP of programming, declared at a summer press tour (Television Critics Association) that the game show will be back on the air in 2021-2022. After about a week, the shooting continued with the whole cast and crew. It was then reported that filming ended.
“I told you that we would be back and we are back because we have been able to travel around the world safely. Our No. 1 priority is to make sure that all our racers can travel around the world safely and we can get them back home safely to their families, and we have done that,” Keoghan explained in a clip on Twitter following the 33rd season air date. “So excited! Brand new locations, awesome new challenges, and of course as I say every single time, the world is waiting for you. Are you ready for this?”
As of now, we’re optimistic that the show will be greenlit for the 34th season, but presently the covid-19 variant omicron has been on the rise lately and it might take some time for the crew and cast members to start filming for the next season.
Watch the latest episode of The Amazing Race season 33 on FuboTV and Paramount+. So far it has released three episodes in total.
When is the release date for The Amazing Race season 34?
Unfortunately, there is no release date at the moment for the 34th season of The Amazing Race. CBS is yet to renew the show for another season run. We will update this section once an official announcement is out regarding the air date of the upcoming 33rd season.
The cast and host of The Amazing Race season 33: Who will be in it?
As previously mentioned, the game show will consist of 11 or 12 teams in pairs although it hasn’t been revealed yet. The 33rd season had 11 teams and the upcoming 34th season will follow the same pattern. Phil Keoghan will likely return to host the show.
Watch out for more updates on the upcoming 34th season of The Amazing Race