“Star Wars: Andor” is an American sci-fi action-adventure TV series conceived by Tony Gilroy for Disney+ as part of the Star Wars universe. The series revolves around the tale of Cassian Andor’s before the events in the spin-off “Rogue One.” With the first season airing until November 23, 2022, the series has so far received positive reactions from the audiences and critics and is highly expected to be a huge success and the next season already in development. If you want to find out more, read the article till the end.
Here’s everything we know about Star Wars: Andor Season 2 release date, cast, and more.
Star Wars: Andor Season 2 Premiere Date: When is it?
In a conversation with The Wrap, series shoemaker Tony Gilroy indicated that Season Two of the Star Wars series will probably only arrive in Q4 of 2024.
“As suspect as my involvement in the community is, by the time I’m done, I’ll have had my hands on 26 hours of ‘Star Wars’ content. I will be a player by the time we finish. This is me sticking around right now. I think that’s the headline. I have two more years to go. We start shooting in November on Part 2. And I don’t know if … Our past pattern was two years, but I mean, I’ll be on … We’ll shoot from November to August. And then our last post-production was about a year.”
So there you go, fans may need to be a little more patient until they can finally see the new season.
The Cast of Star Wars: Andor Season 2: Who’s in it?
In Season 3 of the series, we can expect the following main characters to reprise their roles including–
- Diego Luna in the role of Cassian Andor
- Kyle Soller depicts the role of Syril Karn
- Adria Arjona plays the part of Bix Caleen
- Stellan Skarsgård portrays the character of Luthen Rael
- Genevieve O’Reilly illustrates Mon Mothma
- Faye Marsay plays the part of Vel Sartha
- Denise Gough plays the role ofDedra Meero
- Forrest Whittaker plays Saw Gerrera
- Elizabeth Dulau plays the role of Kleya
- Varada Sethu depicts the character of Cinta Kaz
Star Wars: Andor Season 2 Plot Details
Plot details for season 2 of “Star Wars: Andor” are scarce. But Gilroy did tease on what the fans can expect to see in the next series during his chat with Total Film.
“What’s cool is that we’ll be introducing new characters in the second half, but there’s 25, 30 characters of import that we’re carrying forward from one to the next,” he explained.
He continued. “I can’t think of a comparison. But from a storytelling point of view, it’s like being allowed to paint with a new color or something. It’s a really cool storytelling opportunity after a long time of telling stories. I’ve never had the chance to do this before.”
Well for now we don’t exactly know how they plan to work everything out but we can tell that the second season is going to be another action-filled adventure and even though there’s still time for fans to see the new episodes, it’ll be worth the wait.